Page 24 of Daddy for Davina

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Sharon steps off the elevator behind me as I try to focus on anything other than the intoxicating scent of his cologne. My gaze bounces around his office. It's incredible—sleek and modern, yet tasteful and luxurious too. The furniture is a mix of dark wood and chrome, creating a sophisticated and luxurious feel. The desks are organized and clutter-free, with high-tech computer screens and sleek accessories. One entire wall is made of glass, looking out over downtown Silver Spoon Falls.

A curvy blonde meets my gaze from the far side of the office, grinning at me almost impishly. I don't know her well, but I do know her. Gemma Marsh. Like me, she's fairly new to town. We met at the gym—the one place we both instantly decided we didn't want to be.

We ditched the workout and went across the street to get coffee and cheesecake instead. I like her a lot. I didn't know she works with Micah, though. I'm happy to see her here.

She hurries forward to meet me, her kitten heels clacking on the porcelain floor. "I was so excited when Micah said you were going to be here!" she whisper-hisses, flinging her arms around me in a tight hug. "These meetings are always so boring."

I practically feel Stanley's beady eyes boring into my back. I ignore him, returning her warm embrace. "They are boring," I whisper back. "I didn't know you worked here."

"Yep." She laughs lightly. "The big jerk is my boss."

"Trade you big jerks," I mumble.

She glances over her shoulder at my boss, her nose scrunching her. "No thanks. I'll keep mine."

A choked laugh escapes my lips before I can call it back. I'd rather keep her boss, too. Mine is the devil. "Is he still glaring at me?"

"Mmhmm." She nods, her brows furrowed. "He looks cranky." And then mischief dances through her eyes. "Micah doesn't look very happy about the way he's looking at you."

I gulp, stealing a glance over my shoulder. Sure enough, Stanley's glowering at me as if I'm doing something wrong by talking to Gemma, and Micah is staring at him like he wants to rip his arms off and beat him with them.

Oh, boy. It's going to be a long, long week.

"Maybe we should go get set up," I whisper to Gemma, my stomach trembling with anxiety. If Micah keeps looking at Stanley like that, there's no way we're going to be able to pull this off. The man may be the devil, but he isn't stupid. He'll have us clocked in no time.


I squirm in my seat, watching Micah pace back and forth across the conference room like a caged lion.

"I'm not fucking over my clients, Stanley," he growls, eyes narrowed on my boss. "Maybe that's what you recommend to the rest of your clients, but you can cut that bullshit right now. It's not happening. I want that clause stricken from the contract now."

"Micah, I highly recommend—"

"I said no," Micah snarls, spinning on my boss. "Take the fucking clause out."

Stanley sits quietly for a moment, seething in fury before he finally relents. "Davina, strike it from the proposed contract."

I crossed it out fifteen minutes ago, knowing Micah would win this argument. It's his company. He makes the rules. And nothing stands in my daddy's way when he wants something. He's fierce.

My eyes lock with his, his expression softening incrementally. If he disliked my boss four hours ago, he really dislikes him now.

"Davina!" Stanley snaps his fingers in front of my face, making me jump.

I knock over a stack of files, sending papers scattering everywhere.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Stanley mutters. "Not this shit again. It's like you were born yesterday."

"Knock it the fuck off," Micah growls.

"It's fine," Stanley says as if he thinks Micah is growling at me. "She's always like this."

I stare in dismay at the papers fluttering to the floor in a jumbled mess. I immediately sink to the floor to start gathering them up, my hands shaking.

Micah's on his knees beside me before the last of the papers even hit the floor. His long, strong fingers work in tandem with mine, scooping up wayward sheets with an efficiency that only he possesses. His touch electrifies me, sending tingles up my arm every time our hands brush.

Stanley's muttering turns into a full-on tirade, his disapproval an electric shock reverberating through the room. "I should have assigned Jessica as the lead on this. At least she has her shit together. You're a disaster waiting to happen."

I flinch, tears welling in my eyes.

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