Page 19 of Daddy for Davina

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"I'm sorry!" she cries, another tear rolling down her cheek. "I should have told you the truth before you ever t-touched me, but I-I…"

She looks so guilty. It's the cutest goddamn thing I've ever seen. Despite the seriousness of the situation, I can't help but chuckle.

Her gaze flies to mine, her brow furrowed. Hope and confusion mingle in her denim eyes, hope growing by the second. "Daddy?"

"Why did you let your daddy put his hands all over your perfect body, little girl?" I ask, cupping her cheek. "Why didn't you tell the truth and stop him?"


"Good girls tell the truth, Davina," I croon, taking a step toward her. Our bodies press together in one long line. My lips skim across her cheek toward her ear. "Bad girls get punished before they get fucked."

She whimpers. a pitiful little sound that goes straight to my cock. "I want to be a good girl, Daddy."

"Then tell the truth, baby girl. Why didn't you tell me the truth last night and stop me from touching you?"

"Because I didn't want you to stop! You're perfect, Micah!" she cries, burying her face in my throat. "I knew five minutes after meeting you that you were the perfect man for me, and I knew if I told you who I was, you wouldn't touch me, and I'd never know what it was like to be yours. So I did a bad thing and I lied to you. And I tried to tell you a dozen times last night, but I kept putting it off because I didn't want the night to end." She huffs an adorable breath. "I know I don't deserve you, but I'm selfish and I want to keep you anyway. So I'm here to beg you to forgive me because if I get fired tomorrow, it'll be worth it just so long as I know that you forgive me."

"Fired? What the fuck?"

"It's okay," she says, her breath warm against my skin. "I don't like my boss very much anyway. If he fires me when I tell him the truth, it'll be worth it."


"Davina, baby girl…" I pause, swinging her up into my arms. "Hold that thought."

My heart races as I carry her up the sidewalk and through the sprawling mansion, past the grandeur and luxury that has long lost its charm, to the one place where I can be myself—my room. Here, away from the world and its prying eyes, we're free to be us. Just Micah and Davina. Daddy and his little girl.

Instead of crawling onto the bed with her, I settle on the sofa situated across from it with her in my lap. She fits against me exactly like she belongs—small, fragile. Mine. Her curvy ass nestles against my aching cock, making me groan.

"Daddy…" she starts, but I shush her with a stern glance. This isn't the time for miscommunication or confusion, not when her job is on the line. She ran out of me this morning, afraid she'd have to give up either me or her career.

Like hell am I going to let that happen.

"Baby girl," I say gently, brushing my hand through her long, blonde hair, trying to soothe her, "no one is firing you and you aren't telling your boss about us."

She looks at me then, her blue eyes filled with confusion and the kind of hurt that twists up my insides in a way I've never felt before.

I swear, this gorgeous little thing has me wrapped around her finger. A single tear, and I want to lay waste to entire fucking cities. One quiver of her bottom lip, and I want to tear my own heart out to make it stop.

"But…I thought…" She trails off, her voice shaking. "You're mad at me."

"Mad?" I chuckle despite the tension in the air. "Davina, sweetheart, you misunderstand."

"But you don't want me…"

Not want her? Impossible.

She squirms, trying to slip from my lap.

"Stop." The soft, forceful command has an immediate effect.

She falls still immediately, gazing up at me with those wide innocent eyes of hers—the same eyes that have haunted my sleep for two years.

Not want her? She has no idea how far I'm willing to go to keep her.

"You misunderstand, little girl," I continue gently, tracing patterns on her arm absentmindedly. A shiver runs through her, proof that she craves every bit of attention I give her.

"What I'm saying…" I pause deliberately for effect as she waits with bated breath, "Is that what Daddy does to his little girl is our little secret. Your boss doesn't need to know. What happens between us is our business. Do you know why that is, Davina?"

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