Page 35 of Until Mayhem

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“Fuck off,” Judge said into the phone, though his light tone didn’t match his words. “What the fuck is a boom?” He paused to listen before continuing. “Yeah, do it.”

As soon as he ended the call, I asked, “What was—”

But my question was cut off when a different jingling ringtone sounded.

“Lights on,” Judge said.

I shifted to stand so I could flip the switch—though I’d also call him a few choice names while reminding him manners went a long way—but before I could, the room’s lights flickered on.

“Was that like the modern Clapper?” I asked.

“Glitch has the whole place souped-up with the latest technology. Probably gonna turn on us like HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey, but it’s cool as shit.” He touched his phone and the screen changed, blurring before coming into focus.

A massive man filled the display, an unlit cigar held between lips that were mostly hidden by a beard. The low light and sounds of traffic made me guess he was sitting outdoors somewhere.

He wasn’t traditionally attractive, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t hot.

Not Judge-levels of hot, but still. Hot.

“Feel like I’m taking a damn selfie,” the man said, taking the unlit cigar from his mouth. His accent wasn’t exactly the same as the man who’d called earlier, but it was similar.

Judge chuckled. “Let’s see your duck lips.”

The man aimed the camera at his middle finger before everything went catawampus. He must’ve propped the phone on something because more of the man was visible, along with the prettiest dog I’d ever seen. Based on the chair style and brick behind him, I was betting they were on a deck or balcony.

I waited for Judge to sit up or adjust his phone because it was aimed at his face and chest with only a bit of my side showing. When he didn’t, I leaned down as best as I could in our awkward position so I was in the frame, too.

Had my focus been on the man and not on Judge and me in the small square in the corner, I would’ve missed his triumphant smile.

He wasn’t being clueless, he just wanted me closer.

I rolled my eyes, and he grinned.

“Nico says it’s bullshit, but that fookin’ boom will get ya every time,” the man said.

I know he’s saying words, but I have no clue what they mean.

Judge echoed my thoughts out loud, saying, “Yeah, still got no clue what the hell you’re talkin’ about.”

The man lifted his glass toward the phone before taking a healthy swig. “You will.”

“Ophelia, this is Nox. I do jobs with him.”

I didn’t know what that meant, and if I wanted to be allowed to walk free, I bet I didn’t want to know.

“Your dog is gorgeous,” I said, wishing I could reach through the screen and pet his pretty fur.

“Aye, he’s a good lad.”

The dog gave a snarfle of agreement.

“I got some questions for you, lass,” Nox continued.

I tensed, and Judge’s thumb started rubbing the sensitive skin of my inner wrist.

“Okay,” I forced out.

“You know a man named Nash?”

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