Page 21 of Until Mayhem

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I closed the door, and she took a couple steps back.

Big ones.

I clenched my jaw but didn’t move to close the distance, even though I wanted to. “Told you I’m not gonna touch you ‘til you beg, princess. And I’d never hurt you.”

Her gaze shot to mine, and she opened her mouth before closing it. After a long moment, she asked, “Is this your, uh, gang’s clubhouse?”


Fuck, she’s cute.

I nodded. “It is.”

“Aren’t there supposed to be other bikers and parties and… everything?”


“You know. Fighting and drinking and…” She flung her hands out. “Everything.”

Her words irritated me as much as they amused me. “Should I get some club whores, blow, and guns, too?”

She crossed her arms and glared. “Are there club… women?”

Fuckin’ bingo.

That flare of jealousy in her gray eyes—unguarded and honest, it was reassurance she felt what I did.

‘Cause I was an asshole, I couldn’t resist pushing. “Yeah, there’ve been women at the club.”

“I mean club…” she paused before quickly muttering, “whores.”

“Club what?”

“Whores!” Her face burned bright, and she glared harder. “And that’s a derogatory term. Good on them for enjoying their sexuality, and shame on you for judging.”

“I’m not the one judgin’. You’re accusing me of shit based on what you’ve seen on TV.”

Ophelia’s full lips curved down in a sexy as fuck pout. After a silent moment, she pushed her shoulders back, a challenge replacing the jealousy in her eyes. “Considering we met by you kidnapping me, I think my judgement is justified.”

“Fair point.” I closed the distance between us, stopping when we were almost touching. “Parties happen and can get rowdy, but they rarely turn violent because we’re brothers, and that means having each other’s back, not stabbing each other in it. There’re old ladies, girlfriends, dates, one-night stands, and, yeah, biker bunnies, but we’re not passing around nameless women like a bad case of the clap.”

Her expression softened. “Oh. I’m sorry.”

“Apology accepted.”

She eyed me expectantly before prodding, “This is the part where you apologize for kidnapping me.”

“It is?”

She nodded solemnly. “Yes, and then you tell me I can go home.”

“Didja think that’d work?”

“It was worth a shot.” Seeming to catch that she’d let herself relax, she tensed and took a step away. “How long until you let me go?”

Until… never.

I shrugged. “Depends on what we find.”

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