Page 80 of Vicious Tycoon

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Never taking his eyes off mine, he leaned over with a mischievous grin. I felt this jolt. This immediate spark made my mouth dry and my face flush, a burning sensation all over my body.

“You kept up with my dating life, huh?”

“Had to make sure you were being taken care of.”

“I see.”

His cunning smile told me he knew exactly what I was feeling, thinking, wanting. We spent the next hour talking. His hand remained on my thigh, brushing his fingers ever so lightly over my sensitive skin.

We laughed.

We joked.

We picked on one another.

He asked me about my family, and before we knew it, the morning rolled by, and it was like I blinked, and the sun warmed our already heated skin. It was warmer that day than it had been, and I loved that we were taking advantage of it. I was doing something out of the ordinary for me and enjoying every minute of it.

I was already counting down the seconds when I’d see him again. I shut off the voice in the back of my head that kept trying to tell me I needed to stay away from him.

He reminded me of the girl I wanted to be, the one who could act her age and live in the moment with him. Question after question tore through my mind as we locked eyes.

“You know this is a date, right? You know, where two people go out, the guy pays for everything, and they get to know each other. Maybe there’s a reach-around?”

I giggled with a great big smile on my face. My belly did this somersault thing that only happened when he spoke to me in that suggestive way. I never had anyone talk to me like he did, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like that too.

“Don’t you have a no-dating rule?”

“I’m making an exception.”

“For me?”

He leaned in close to my lips and whispered, “Only for you. What are you thinking about over there?”


He raised an eyebrow. “You know when you lie, your lip twitches a little.”

“Are you always this perceptive?”

“It’s how I operate.”

“Oh yeah?”

“I know what you’re doing.” He nodded. “Just in case you don’t realize it, I’m aware that you’re trying to change the subject.” He flashed me one of his full-on dimple smiles. “Fully aware.”

I rolled my eyes, giving him my undivided attention. “Okay, buddy, new rule. This.” I pointed from him to me. “If it’s going to work, this perfect thing you got going on, it’s got to be taken down a few notches.”

“Perfect thing?”

“Don’t act all coy, Aires. You know what you’re doing.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, but thanks for the boost to my ego.”

“Yeah, because you need a boost to that, Aires.”

He chuckled, making those damn dimples prominent and enticing. I wanted nothing more than to reach over and touch them. I blushed just thinking about it.

“I love it when you say my name.”

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