Page 68 of Vicious Tycoon

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“Thomas has never let me down, and he’s already working on getting whatever other bullshit evidence they managed to get their hands on.”

“Can it get any worse than what they’ve already found?”


I abruptly stood. “Shit!” I grabbed a pillow off the couch, chucking it across the room. “Shit! I’m so fucked!”


“My family… oh my God! My parents are going to flip!”


My body whipped around, connecting with his concerned stare at me. “My dad is a recovering addict, so is my uncle Austin… this is bad, Aires. This is so bad. They’re going to be so disappointed in me.”

“Bay, I?—”

“The world is going to think I’m a whore. Did you see the video they have of us on the roof deck? We’re basically screwing with clothes on.”


“And they shared the proof of you taking the fall for me. Thank God they didn’t have audio, but anyone who can read lips is going to know what we were saying.” I shook my head, overwhelmed and confused.

“Bay, no one is going to think that. I made sure of it.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “What do you mean?”

“I have something to tell you. I?—”

Aires was cut off by the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway. We both instantly followed the echo that felt like it was impending doom. Seconds later, Robert stomped his way into the living room with us, and the expression on his face was enough for me to know he wasn’t happy.

Not that I expected him to be.

Before I could even say a word, Robert didn’t waste any time and spit fire at Aires, “You sure as shit know how to make yourself right at home when you’re not welcome, don’t you?”

“Get used to seeing me. I’m not going anywhere.”

Robert’s intense glare snapped to me. “You lied to me.”

“I’m sorr?—”

“How long?”

“I’ve only done it a couple times.”

“Aires begs to differ.”

I glanced at Aires. “We’ve only done it once together.”

He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the archway that separated the living room from the dining area.

The animosity between Robert and Aires was palpable, and I was finding it hard to breathe again.

“How many times, Bailey?”

“Robert, I just told you. Maybe three or four times max. That’s it.”

“Aires says it’s been going on for years.”

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