Page 61 of Vicious Tycoon

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“I know.”

“You’re a smart woman, Bailey, and I’m confident in your decision-making skills on who you feel is right for you. Besides, he knows who your family is, and he still isn’t scared of where you come from. Don’t let anyone come between your happiness. Especially strangers.”

“Thank you.”

“I love you. You’re my heart.”

“You’re mine too.”

After I ended the call, I didn’t hesitate to go look for Aires. It didn’t surprise me when I found him leaning against the doorframe by the pool. He was lost in his own thoughts like I had been.

I tested the waters. “Hey…”

He didn’t turn around. Instead, he stated, “You want this to be over? All you have to do is say you’re sorry. It’s that simple.”

“I’m sorry.” My eyes widened, surprised it was that easy for me to express.

“I’m sorry too.” He spun to face me before he quickly chimed in, “I’m sorry that I expect people to respect you in the way you deserve. Especially your agent.” He stepped toward me. “I’m sorry that you’re so damn beautiful that I can’t help myself when it comes to you.” Another step in my direction. “I’m sorry for not looking for you sooner. I’m sorry for losing touch.” One last step. “But most of all.” He placed his mouth against my lips. “I’m sorry that I’m going to have to teach you a lesson.”

He leaned forward, catching me by my waist, and threw me over his muscular shoulder like a damn rag doll. Now my ass was right in his face.

“What are you doing?” I shrieked, stunned by the turn of events.

I could feel him smiling against my leg, and then he smacked my ass.


“Ouch! What the hell?”

He spanked me harder two more times as he walked. “That was for your mouth,” he said, spanking me again. “That was for letting the man you’re paying speak to you like you’re not his boss.” He spanked me three times. I thrashed on his shoulder, trying to break free, but his hold was too strong.

“That was for being a stubborn little shit and not admitting when you’re wrong and how you feel about me. And last, for denying me what’s always been mine,” he scolded, smacking me one more time.

“Oh my God!”

And the bastard chuckled.

It took everything inside me not to tell him off, but I knew it wouldn’t be in my best interest. After he gently placed me on the dining room table, I hissed upon contact, my ass not welcoming the hard surface.

“Relax,” he encouraged as I gave him a death stare, biting my tongue from saying something I would regret.

“What, Bay?” he baited. “I’ll rub that sweet ass to make it better.”

I wanted to say he would be lucky if he ever saw me naked again.

“If you act like a child, Bailey, I’m going to treat you like one.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, and he smiled as he started to unbutton my blouse. “I’m going to tell you how it’s going to go, sweet girl.” He slid it off my shoulders. “You’re going to be my very good girl.” He took it off and threw it on the table. “You’re going to sit here. Just like this.” He unclasped my bra, throwing that on the table too before he unbuttoned my shorts. “Then you’re going to forgive me for protecting you against your asshole agent who I don’t like for one second. He’s lucky he still has his balls intact.” He glided my shorts down my legs, tossing them in the pile with the rest of my clothes. “Then you’re going to stop letting people boss you around, or I’m going to go to jail for you again.”

I resisted the urge to giggle.

He kissed the tip of my nose, dropped to his knees, and gazed up at me with a look of lust as he skimmed my panties down my thighs. Once I was sitting there naked in front of him, he informed, “Now I’m going to further add to my apology by burying my face between your legs.”


“Say it, Bay,” he ordered. “We both know you want to. I can see it all over your pretty face, especially now. You’re mine. Only mine. Always been mine, always will be mine. Say it. Tell me what I need to hear.”

He was done with the bullshit and laying down the law. His intense, conflicting stare never left mine. We both fought our own internal battles, but he already proved he’d risk everything for me. When he gripped my thighs and dragged me closer to the edge of the table, I slightly gasped.

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