Page 44 of Vicious Tycoon

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I nodded. “Very.”

“Can you tell us about that and how they feel about your successful career?”

It went on and on until it was finally over. On our way back to our trailers, Aires playfully bumped into my shoulder.

“That was brutal,” I admitted, bumping his shoulder back.

“Eh, I’ve had worse.”

“How do you stay so calm when they’re blatantly being snarky with you?”

“They can’t say anything worse than what my family has already said to me.”

I grimaced. “Well, I wanted to tackle them to the ground for you.”

“Do you want to take your frustration out on me instead? I don’t mind.”

“You’re such a gentleman.”

“I do what I can.” He tugged on the piece of hair in front of my eye. “Meet me in my trailer in five so you can use and abuse me?”

“As long as I’m on set in an hour.”

“It’s cutting it close.”

“Is that right?”

There was no hesitation in his tone as he spoke with conviction. “You and I both know you can’t ever get enough of me.”

And the truth was…

He was right.



If I thoughtI got attention in California, it didn’t compare or come close to the amount of attention I was getting in Australia with Bailey. Everywhere we went, the paparazzi followed. Every newsstand, grocery aisle, and billboard had our faces sprawled across it. There was no getting away from the cameras.

In the past two weeks since we’d been there, I lost count of how many reporters tried to sneak into our private, guarded estate unnoticed. People were constantly coming in and out for one thing or another, from our marketing teams to PR, glam squads, wardrobe assistants, and who the hell knows what else.

Even with the mounting tension of having to keep everything between us a secret, we still pushed all kinds of boundaries during our alone time together. There were some hours of the day that we couldn’t film due to the low and high tides of the ocean. We filmed all day and had the night off.

Bailey kept talking about the fair that was in town for the weekend and how much she missed the fair that she used to go to every year in Oak Island where she grew up. No way could I buy the park for the night for us, so I did the next best thing and worked a deal out with our guards to have us try to go unnoticed.

The driver drove up to a private entrance to the carnival. She was wearing one of my hoodies with a hat, and I did the same. Reaching up, I brushed the stray hairs away from her rosy cheeks.

After we rode a few rides, we ended up at one of the beer tents at the fair. A big concrete slab in the middle of the tent made up a makeshift dance floor. A small stage in front hosted a live local band throughout the weekend. Twinkling white lights hung from the beams and tables surrounding the dance floor.

With a grin, I cocked my head to the side, taking in the perfection of her creamy-white skin as Bailey danced in front of me. Swaying her hips to the country music, she ran her hands up her body and through her hair.

I leaned on the wood beam with my arms crossed over my chest and one leg over the other. She just wanted to dance. I watched her singing the lyrics to one of her old man’s songs, having the time of her life. I’d be lying if I said my cock wasn’t interested. She was a knockout, and her pouty lips reminded me of them wrapped around my dick.

Her loving, free-spirited personality alone was sexy to me. She turned me on in so many ways. It was only natural for us to be drawn to one another—law of attraction and all that shit.

Except things were different now.

Wewere different now.

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