Page 27 of Vicious Tycoon

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“Are you?”

I cocked my head to the side, immediately feeling hurt. “I thought you knew me better than that.”

“You tell me.”

Staring deep into his eyes, I expressed the truth, “Aires, I wasn’t lying when I said I’d be honored to costar with you. You’re a brilliant actor, and had we’d not bumped into each other that night, I would have still been chomping at the bit for this role to play opposite you.”

“Have you read the script?”

“Yeah, it’s amazing. Have you?”

He nodded. “It’s a hell of a story.”

“I know. The love they share for each other… it’s… inspiring.”

He licked his lips, and I followed the movement of his tongue.


“Is that a good enough answer for you?”

With a hard edge to his tone, he proclaimed, “It’s a start.”

And I knew he was also referring…

To us.



I landedin Australia in B. Night’s plane at three in the morning. I was exhausted from the eighteen-hour flight. I was never one to be able to sleep on a flight. Despite the jet having a private bedroom, I still couldn’t pass out. I was too nervous, which was completely ridiculous given it was Aires and the consuming history we shared.

We hadn’t filmed together in over seven years, and both of us had grown tremendously in our craft since the last time we were on-screen together. However,The Kids Clubwasn’t anything like we’d be filming for the next two months. The level of acting was intense. Not only was it going to be a mind fuck to play a couple that were madly in love but we were also filming in extremely dangerous situations.

The first day of production was tomorrow, and we’d jump headfirst into filming the plane crash. The weather was pretty frigid in Australia at the moment, and the ocean would be freezing at this time of year. Most of the movie would take place on a private island about a mile from the Great Barrier Reef.

This wasn’t my first time in this country.The Kids Clubtoured internationally, and the last time I was there, it was with Aires. I still remembered it as if it were yesterday. We were so excited to get to see our fans overseas. It was a shame that we never got to tour the city. We were always on set, and it seemed like this production would be the same, given our short timeframe to complete it.

I wasn’t looking forward to the strenuous conditions we’d be filming in. B. Night described the movie likeBlue LagoonandCastawayhad a baby with the special effects ofPirates of the Caribbean. That was quite the setup for us. Although I was terribly anxious about what was to come, I was more than ready for the challenge of bringing this movie to life.

A lot of the scenes involved us being in danger and having to constantly save each other, or it involved us fighting our emotions over how much we still loved one another. Constantly contemplating the life we could have had if we didn’t let everyone else’s opinion get in our way.

Not to mention, the sex scenes would break the internet. This was the first movie I was doing that involved me being topless during a sex scene. I usually strayed from doing that, but for this movie, it was needed.

They actually have us making love under a waterfall and in a cave. Another scene will be us in the ocean with the waves crashing on our bodies as we’re completely naked. We even had an intimacy coordinator to make sure our sex scenes were as authentic as possible.

The pressure to produce a number-one hit was heavy and at an all-time high. I was used to that since I always strived to film the best and most successful movie I could, yet this one was different.

It wasn’t just any role.

It starred Aires and me, and I wanted it to be perfect.

I wanted this to be an iconic film that had such a crazy fandom that people would be talking about it for centuries. A staple in cinematic history, that was my goal, and I knew that applied to Aires and B. Night too.

By the time the driver pulled up to the rented estate on the water that I’d be calling home for the next two months, it was a little past four a.m. My team told me that my room would be the one up the stairs and down the hallway. It was the last room on the right, and I couldn’t wait to crash. I’d been up for over twenty-four hours at that point, and I didn’t do well on no sleep.

After the driver brought in my bags, I thanked him, and he left. I didn’t want to wake anyone up since it was still night and dark out. The makeup artists and wardrobe would be staying there with me, and they were supposed to be there already. I didn’t mind since the house was big enough for at least ten people with their own rooms.

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