Page 11 of Vicious Tycoon

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The walk and fresh air were a feeling like no other.

It was exhilarating.


All the wall art was animated, almost like watching a 3D movie with each step we took. Bailey just kept glancing at me, giggling and being absolutely adorable. Just the way I remembered her.

Mischievous behind closed doors.

Once we found the roof deck, we lay on the loungers overlooking the LA lights and stars.

“Why are you so far?” I asked, reaching for her.

She smirked, glancing at me from her lounger parallel to mine.

“Come here,” I ordered, still reaching for her.



She stubbornly shook her head. “I’m not going over there.”

“Why not?” I casually shrugged. “I’m not asking you to sit on my face. I’m asking you to come cuddle.”

She gasped. “Aires…”

“Why do you keep saying my name like that?”

“You know why.”

“Is this part of your mysterious allure now? You’re playing hard to get? Because let me remind you, I’ve already had you.” I smugly grinned. “Over and over again.”

“Oh my God.” She shook her head with wide eyes. “You’re even worse than you used to be.”

Laying it on thick, I questioned, “Don’t you trust me? You used to love to cuddle.”

“You lying on my chest while I scratched your back was not cuddling, Aires.”

“What about after you sat on my face? Was that not considered cuddling either?”

“Stop it!” She threw a pillow at my head, and I caught it.

“I’ll stop when you come to me.”

“Come to you or for you?” Her hand flew to her mouth, completely caught off guard by her own outburst.

I didn’t miss a beat in answering, “Depends. Which are you offering?”

She opened her mouth to reply but quickly shut it, knowing better.

“You know what?” I stated out of nowhere. “I have a better idea.”

“Should I be worried?”


“Aires…” She leaned away, about to haul ass, but in two strides, I wrapped my arm around her waist before she had the chance to take off.

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