Page 106 of Vicious Tycoon

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“How could you do this to me?”

“Bay, you know me better than that.”

I could physically feel her inner turmoil, and it was enough to bring me to my knees for her. She had to believe me.

“Do you honestly think I’d be using you? You think I could hurt you that much?”


“Bay, I never told you about the contract because it didn’t matter to me. I was always going to try to get you back in my life. I love you.”

Still not a word.

I grabbed her hands. “You know me, Bay. You know I wouldn’t hurt you.”

Her resolve was breaking, and she finally asked, “Were you ever going to tell me?”

I bowed my head.

“That’s what I thought. How do you expect me to trust you after this?”

I nodded, knowing she was right. “I’m so sorry, Bailey. I’ll never keep something from you again.”

“Oh, come on, Bailey!” Robert argued. “You can’t believe him! It was his own agent’s idea to add that stipulation to the contract. His team wants to use you as much as he does. Stop falling for it.”

“Robert,” Capri scolded. “You should be ashamed of yourself. You know damn well that man cares for her. Look at him. All you have to do is look at him to know how much he loves her.”

To have Capri going to bat for me meant a lot.

“Bay…” I kissed her knuckles. “Trust me. I wouldn’t have taken the fall for you if I just wanted to use you.”

“That was probably your plan all along, asshole. I wouldn’t put it past you to have come up with this scheme before you saw her at that party. How you’ve been stalking her?”

I ignored Robert, focusing only on her, or I’d knock him out, and I wasn’t certain I still wouldn’t. Fuck that snake.

“I’m here, aren’t I? With you, for you. Everything he’s saying is all bullshit! You want to talk about more truths?” I questioned, eyeing her up and down. “How about this one?”

She frowned.

“I know every smile that spreads on your face, every laugh that flows from your mouth, every emotion you feel just by looking into your eyes.”

Her chest started to rise and fall with each word I sincerely expressed.

“I know the sound of your voice from a mile away… every part of you ismine. From your heart, to your soul, to every bone in your body. It all belongs to me becauseyoubelong to me. You’re a part of me, like I’m a part of you. And nothing’s going to change that, do you understand me?”

Neither one of us said anything. We didn’t have to. I think we both knew what was coming. I said it before, and I’ll say it again. What goes up must come down. It was just the way the world went around.

With trembling lips and tears forming in her eyes, she whispered, “You need to leave, Aires.”

Tearing at my insides, she ripped my heart from my chest with her bare hands. “Bay…”

Please…” She paused, trying to gather the strength to continue.

I grabbed her face between my hands. “I love you. I fucking love you. Don’t do this…”

She held onto my wrists as if she needed to feel me as well. I pulled her into my arms, wrapping my body around her petite frame. Being the first to pull away, I gripped the sides of her face again and kissed her like it was the last time.

She was gasping, trying to breathe, so I did for her…

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