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Maybe, I overreacted, and they’re not done with me yet.

Chapter Nine


“What’s your color?” I tuck the soft gray blanket around her, even though I much prefer seeing every luscious inch of her skin.

“Green, sir.” She bestows the honorific so sweetly my cock pounds in appreciation.

“Are you down for more play tonight, or do we need to stop?” There’s no mistaking the answer Hud’s hoping for or the way I don’t even pretend I’m not rolling my eyes at him.

There’s definitely no ignoring the way all three of us are frozen, waiting to hear what she says. Technically, the room’s reserved all night, and even though we’re in a kink club, there’s nothing that says Talissa’s expected to have sex with any of us. The arrangement was to explore what it’s like to be with a lactating partner, nothing more. Anything beyond that is up to us as a group to negotiate and decide.

“We don’t need to stop. But, uh, it’ll be a little while before I’m…you know…full again.” The way she stammers and blushes just a bit is charming. Affection stirs in my chest so suddenly it steals my breath.

I’ve cared for partners in the past. I’m not a fuckboy. But the fondness Talissa kindles in me feels different. Deeper. I like the warmth, even if it’s alarming to feel so strongly for someone I don’t know.

“I’ll fill the tub. We can bathe you and feed you some while your body replenishes.” Beck is obviously determined to take control of the agenda tonight. I’m happy enough to let him plan it all.

I’m always the dominant one when I play. The one organizing and executing scenes or, in the more vanilla side of my love life, dates. It’s nice turning over that work to someone else, someone I trust. Going along for the ride, without needing to worry about my partner being looked after.

“Are we still scening? Asking so I know what the rules are.” Her question is smart, and the reminder we’re playing with an experienced sub should please me. I don’t want to imagine the hassle tonight would have been otherwise. Three dominant strangers converging on a sub at once seems like a recipe for disaster. Especially given the aggro, if sexy, moment Hud had earlier.

My confusion swirls with possessiveness until my guts are a churning mess. The relief I should have, knowing Talissa is experienced in the lifestyle, feels more like resentment that she might have knelt for other Doms. I want her for my own. Well, mine and maybe Beck and Hud’s. Thinking of them circles me right back to my confusion, my eyes glued to Beck’s ass as he walks to the bathroom.

Dark gray slacks cup the high globes of his ass, and my dick thumps in appreciation. First Hudson; now Beck? I’ve never put much weight behind my heterosexuality. It just was. I thought so, anyway. Tonight has me realizing I’ve boxed myself into an identity that obviously doesn’t fit as well as I believed.

I shove down the thoughts ruthlessly. There’s a time to ponder this newfound attraction to my best friends, and now isn’t it.

“We’re not in a scene right now, Talissa. I think we’d all like the chance to get to know you better,” Beck answers before he disappears into the bathroom. I’d honestly been too distracted by his ass to reply.

“In that case, can I ask some questions?” Gone is the timid submissive. In her place is the bold young woman who squared up to three snarling strangers and demanded her due. The duality is intriguing and captures my interest as thoroughly as the sexuality she wields with innate simplicity.

“I’m an open book for you, baby doll. Read me at your pleasure.” Hudson smirks, And I narrow my eyes at his over-the-top flirting. Not that I’m truly annoyed. It’s impossible to be irritated with him, or with anything really, while I’ve got a lapful of Talissa. She’s warm and soft, the weight of her across my legs grounding me and keeping my mind in the present.

“Are you three a couple? Er, a throuple?” Her question hangs in the air for several heartbeats before it sinks in what she means.

“Not at all. At least, never before tonight.” Hudson’s easy response is at odds with the hungry look in his eyes. My own lust rises when I realize he’s including me in his sultry perusal of Talissa in my lap. So much for shelving this new discovery until later.

“And now?” She asks.

“You get right to the point, don’t you, sweet thing?” I’ve never been one for pet names, and it feels a little silly now. Still, the cutesy nickname drops from my lips without conscious thought. I’m glad my partners at the firm can’t hear me, though. It’s not so much that I care what they think. It’s more that I typically scoff at cheesy lines and syrupy mush.

My parents have a great relationship, but it’s definitely more logical and predictable than passionate. Romance and flowery declarations have never been my scene.

“Clock’s ticking. What can I say? I’m a curious girl.” Her cute little smile knocks my heart against my ribs. I don’t know what it is about her that affects me so deeply, but whatever it is, I’m going to enjoy the ride.

“You can say whether you prefer a vanilla or lilac bubble bath, as those are the options stocked,” Beck says as he strides into the room and scoops our girl out of my lap, blanket and all, to carry her to the bathroom.

I’m unashamed of this burgeoning attraction to Hudson and Beck, but I’m also unready to analyze it. Especially not with this girl we’ve only just met. I know the club has solid NDAs, but risk is risk. Seattle’s one of the most openly queer-friendly cities in the nation. If I choose to explore these new feelings I don’t fear I might face backlash or negative career implications.

I want to savor these moments of self discovery, though. I want to peel back the layers and decide whether these explosions of lust and arousal from my two best friends, ricocheting like shrapnel from a blast, are due to the height of the moment. Or something deeper. Are they something true and lasting but I’ve been too busy forging my heterosexual path to realize they existed?

Talissa’s giggling response to Beck’s bubble question is lost as the two of them move deeper into the luxurious bathroom. I’m so focused on the two of them that the appearance of Hud’s callused hand before my face makes me jump.

“You gonna sit there all night and miss out on the action?” He grins as he pulls me to my feet. Together, we follow Beck and Talissa.

“Tell me I’m not the only one feeling their foundation shaking tonight,” I murmur.

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