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“Talissa’s your sister.” Asher’s flat voice hangs between us all like a guillotine poised to drop.

“You have two minutes to explain why my sister’s name is in your mouth before I deliver my resignation letter with one hand.”

I’m looking at that hand, and I sure don’t want to be on the receiving end of it. The guy’s furious stare takes in each of us, his broad shoulders heaving with restrained anger. The coincidence of two incidents clears up in time for Beck to step between Asher and Talissa’s brother-in-law with his hands raised in a calm down position.

“This has been a misunderstanding, Darius, is it?” Beck offers.

Darius moves into the room far enough to close the door behind himself. His stony expression makes it clear he expects answers, but at least, he’s not swinging on anybody. Yet.

I have to believe that, as an attorney, he’s got better control than to storm around half-cocked, knocking heads together. But then, if he really was a state ward and grew up with Talissa as a de facto sister, maybe not. Shit, he’s not the only one itching to throw fists at this point.

Knowing my dream girl was escorted out of here because Asher’s so damn paranoid about scandals has me feeling my own blast of rage. I dial back my fury, hard as it is to wrangle, because it won’t help me get to Talissa.

Asher rounds his desk to stand directly in front of his employee. “Sit down, Darius. I have some explaining to do, and then perhaps, once you hear everything I have to say, you’ll consider helping me correct my mistake.”

It’s clear to everyone in the room he’s making himself available for Darius’ punch, should the man decide to throw one. Instead, Darius shows more restraint than I think I’d have in his shoes, and definitely more than Asher’s bullshit deserves. He steps to the side and gracefully drops into one of the chairs next to where Beck and I had been sitting.

As we all sit for Asher’s confession, I hope things aren’t fucked up beyond all repair for the three of us with Talissa. Because, while this was Asher’s fuck up, there’s no part of me that thinks things can work with Talissa without him as part of the equation.

What’s more, after the way my feelings changed for my dumbass best friend last night, I’m fairly sure I can’t give him up any easier than I can walk away from her. Or Beck. It’s all for four and four for all.

Shit, that joke’s lame, even for me.

Chapter Sixteen


Eating crow has never been my specialty. After convincing Darius to give me the chance to earn his sister-in-law’s forgiveness, he informed us where to find her. As thankful as I am he refrained from decking me, I definitely deserved it.

It was harder to convince Hudson and Beck to trust me to deliver an apology worthy of Talissa. I know they’re worried I’ll fail to earn her forgiveness. There’s so much riding on me getting this right. Good thing I excel under pressure.

I wasn’t able to convince them to let me go to her house alone, though. Still, they shut up and let me make the stops I needed to make along the way. So that’s something.

We pull up to her house, the home she shares with Darius and her brother, his husband, Teagan, and get out. According to Darius, Teagan worked a half day today and will have picked up their baby, the one Talissa was the surrogate for, and taken her to a toddler play date.

“You sure you got this?” Hudson asks.

Instinct has me bristling at the doubt in his voice, but I choke it back. After my boneheaded fuck up this morning, they’re not wrong to be concerned. Shit, I’m concerned. If I mess this up, I’m not the only one who winds up heartbroken.

“Guess we’ll find out,” I answer him. Beck’s hand on my shoulder gives me a steadying brace I’d never ask for but can’t help being glad for.

“Just remember, if she refuses to accept your apology now, we can regroup and try again. It’s not over until it’s actually over. Yeah?” Beck says.

I ring the doorbell.

Before I have a chance to think through the next few moments, Talissa’s swinging the door wide. The lack of surprise on her face is the first clue she knew we were coming. The way she crosses her arms protectively around her middle is evidence of how hard it was for her to open the door anyway.

“May we come in?” I ask.

“I should let you into my home when you wouldn’t allow me into your precious building?” The kitten has claws.

“One of us has to be the smart one. We can agree it’s not me today.” My quip earns a tiny smile, and for the first time since I saw her across the lobby this morning, I have some hope.

“I owe you an apology,” I say.

“You do.” She waits. Last night, her submission ignited my passion. Today, her gentle confidence sets my heart ablaze. I want to know everything about this girl. Every single tiny bit of minutia. I want to know it all.

“I’m sorry. Sorry that I made assumptions about why you were at my office this morning and didn’t give you the respect and courtesy of speaking to you before I asked security to make you leave. I was out of line.” It’s an easy apology to make because I mean every word.

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