Page 115 of The Sexy Enemy

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“I don’t blame her. You’ve messed around on her your entire marriage,” I argue.

He shrugs. “It’s my job to provide for the family, and with that comes stress. Those women were nothing more than relief, and your mother knew that.”

“You’re an asshole.”

He huffs. “I even got you tested after finding out about Rome because I couldn’t believe you were my son. Unfortunately, you are.” Why am I still surprised at the venomous words he says toward me?

“I’d give anything to not be,” I say.

“You ungrateful asshole. Everything I have done for you,” he sneers.

“What? You have done nothing for me,” I argue back.

“I gave you the fucking world.”

“I would rather be poor than a Conti.”

His face turns red with anger. “That can be easily arranged.”

“I called Elek on the way over here and pulled out of the deal, formally,” I tell him.

“You fucking did what?” he screams as he launches himself at me. “You piece of shit,” he curses as his fists land on me.

And I let them.

I take every single blow he delivers to me. My penance for being a Conti. When this is all over, I’m never looking back. I don’t care if I never set foot back into Conti headquarters ever again. I’m done being this man’s literal punching bag.

“Fight back, why are you not fighting back?”

“You’re not worth it,” I spit at him.

He backs off and wobbles on his feet as he glares at me. “You ungrateful piece of shit. I’m going to make you pay for this insolence. God is cruel that he took the only son I loved from me.”

“Your wish is my command. After today, you are dead to me, too.” And with that, I walk out the door, wiping my bloody face.

“Oh my god, what happened?” my mother shrieks as she walks in and sees us.

“Your son just fucked us that’s what’s happened.”

I flip my father off and leave.

I drive back to my home in a blur, waiting for the devastation to hit me, but it never comes. In its place is relief. Like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I don’t know what this means for me or the company, but I’ll work it out.



There’s a knock on the door.

“Come in,” I mumble as I roll over and snuggle deep into my bed, hoping that when I wake up this nightmare will be over.

“Are you okay?” my father asks as he walks in and sits beside me, his eyes flicking to the annulment papers that arrived on my doorstep this morning. The papers that Alessandro signed and filed last night.

“Not really,” I say, my lip wobbling as I try to contain my emotions.

“I’m sorry he broke your heart, sweetie, but you can talk to me about it,” he says, pushing the hair out of my face.

I shake my head. “I can’t.”

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