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I wanted him to go faster, needed him to go faster, but having already lost control of myself once, I felt it was important to show some self-restraint and let him control his entry.

As he pushed into my virgin channel and began to thrust in a gentle rhythm, I absorbed every pulse of energy that transferred through him and almost came again. The sting was there, but it was balanced by a completeness that I had no idea could exist from sex.

Why had I waited so long to try it?

Apparently, I was waiting for the right alpha.



After the first night with Jeremiah, I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my word to Vince. I was not letting my omega anywhere near my power-hungry brother.

Jeremiah was too good. Too pure. Even when he begged me to knot him during our nightly encounters, I had to refuse, constantly coming up with excuses to keep him pure…at least of my seed. He needed to finish college, and I needed to plan a safe future for us before we could risk a child.

I refused to defile him so completely and then betray him.

Until I figured out a way to change Vince’s mind about wanting to use Jeremiah as bait, I had to keep the sweet omega at arm’s length. I wanted to give him everything he begged for, but I couldn’t. Not until I was sure he was safe…from me.

It killed me to pull out before my knot filled him, to bag my seed and toss it away instead of filling his belly with my child. But it was the right thing to do.

The urge to breed him was as strong in me as it seemed to be in him, and when he begged for my knot, it was getting harder and harder to resist.

I wasn’t sure how much longer I’d be able to hold out.

I was no longer on a mission to find out information for my brother. Instead, every question I asked Jermiah about his family came from the heart. I was genuinely curious about his life and his childhood. He still kept the information close to his chest because he had been cautioned by his brothers to only tell the bare minimum of information.

Several weeks had passed of us skirting around feelings and topics of our family. I fished for information about Jeremiah’s family, hoping that if Vince wouldn’t agree to leave the Ferrini family alone completely, maybe I could leverage the Ferrini family to stop Vince.

But I still didn’t have anything.

My brother was going mad with his need for power and vengeance. He was beyond reason most of the time and downright demented the rest.

I was at the florist, looking for a simple bouquet of wildflowers to commemorate our two-month anniversary when my phone rang. I knew it was Vince before I looked at my screen, so I stepped outside and took the call. “Hey, Vince.”

“So, you do remember my name. I was beginning to wonder if you’d forgotten who I was since you never seem to be available to take my calls or respond to a fucking text.”

My jaw clenched, and I took a cleansing breath through my nose to keep from snapping at him. “You always call when I’m with Jeremiah, so I can’t answer.”

“It’s going well?” His tone lightened up immediately at the mention of Jeremiah, and he almost sounded happy. Almost. “Can you invite him to the Aspen cabin this weekend? Maybe a romantic weekend in the mountains?”

Fuck, fuck, fuck. “I’ll ask him tonight.” I chose my next words carefully, knowing that any enthusiasm where there shouldn’t be would come across as a red flag to my brother. “But I’m also trying to get some information about his family for you. If I can get you details about their weaknesses and vulnerabilities, you probably won’t need to bother with Jeremiah. You can go directly for Andro.”

“Nah.” He dismissed the idea as quickly as I knew he would. “I need the omega. They have new omegas in the family now, so they’re gonna be especially protective.” He laughed in that evil voice I recognized from my own childhood. “That just makes my job even easier. Anyway, let me know about this weekend. I’d rather get this done sooner rather than later.”

“Okay, but he’s got tests coming up, so it might be closer to the end of the school year.”

“Whatever. Just keep me posted, yeah?”

“Yeah.” I hung up the phone and went back into the store.

As I looked around at the various flower arrangements, I hated myself. I was tempted to cancel on Jeremiah just so I had some time to come up with a reasonable excuse for either him or my brother.

But I was too selfish to do that.

I was already addicted to that sweet omega, and even a single night without seeing him seemed unbearable. Instead, I picked up a crystal vase with a simple arrangement in it and took it to the front counter to pay. Even though our relationship had a very near-term expiration date on it, he deserved to feel appreciated and adored for as long as possible.

Once he found out the truth about me and my family, he’d hate me. I’d be lucky if I made it out alive.

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