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He told me about the books he enjoyed, which aligned with my interests as well, and we both listened to the same crime podcasts.

He was just so sweet and funny for me to ever want any harm to come to him. The things he said made me laugh, even when he wasn’t trying to. And then his embarrassment about that made me laugh again.

When I finally walked him to his door at the end of our evening, I really wanted Jeremiah to invite me up to his room. For a moment, I kinda thought he wanted to. And if he did, I wouldn’t have been able to say no.

The omega was too tempting, and I had no desire for this evening to end.

So I was relieved when he didn’t. It was better that way.

“I had a really nice time, Jeremiah.” I held both of his hands and brought them up to my chest before dropping a kiss on each of his fists. “I hope you might consider going out with me again.”

He looked up at me with a smoldering gaze. “I’d really like that, Felik.”

Ignoring the tidal wave of desire that urged me to claim him, I leaned forward and gently pressed my lips to his before pulling back and dropping his hands. “Good night, Jeremiah.”

“Good night, alpha.”



I should’ve invited him in.

An alpha like Felik had certain expectations when they went on a date, and clearly, I didn’t meet those expectations. I knew that because it had been three days, and I hadn’t heard a thing from him. No call, no text, nothing.

Part of me wanted to reach out to him and tell him a joke or ask a question about one of my classes just to start up a conversation. But that felt too desperate, and even I knew desperation wasn’t an attractive quality in an omega.

I was tempted to reach out to Joey and Connor to see if they had any advice for me, but they would tell my brothers, and I’d never hear the end of it. Connor would likely suggest I send him a dick pic. My alpha brothers would either tease me about having a crush, get pissy and protective about an alpha getting close to me, or they’d remember I was single and push even harder for me to marry into one of their chosen families.

It was better all the way around if I stayed under the radar and didn’t remind them I was still unmated.

After a late meeting with my study group, I was walking out of the library when I bumped into Felik. Or rather, he bumped into me, knocking into me with such force I would have been on my knees if he hadn’t been so quick to catch me.

“Fuck, Jeremiah. I’m so sorry.” He righted me on my feet and held on to my shoulders. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I brushed the dust off my knees from where the denim briefly touched the ground before he lifted me back upright. “No worries.” I tugged away from him and started walking, desperate to put some space between us so I didn’t do something embarrassing like beg for a second chance with him.

“Jeremiah, wait up.” Felik jogged up beside me, and I felt his hand land on my lower back. Was he trying to torture me?

“Oh, hey. What’s up?” I regretted the question as soon as it came out of my mouth. That definitely sounded like I was trying too hard to be casual.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You seem a little…upset.” Felik leaned forward as we walked, trying to get a better look at my face, but I kept it firmly facing forward.

“No, I’m fine. Just heading home.”

“Oh, well, I’m glad I ran into you.” He kept pace with me, obviously not able to take a hint. “I wish it wasn’t so literal, but I’ve been wanting to see if you’d like to go out again.”

I stopped and looked at him, squinting my eyes and trying to make sense of him. “That’s what you said three days ago, and I haven’t heard a word back. You don’t need to ask me out just because you bumped into me. I’m fine. Really.”

“No, Jeremiah. It’s not that at all.” He placed both hands on my shoulders again and stared into my eyes.

The sincerity in his gaze was genuine, and I couldn’t help letting down some of my internal shields.

“I mean it. I had a great time the other night. I’ve wanted to text you every day since but…”

“But what?” If he actually liked me, there was no reason he wouldn’t want to see me again. It’s not like I was asking for a ring. And he had no way of knowing that my alpha brothers would object to our dating. The problem had to be me.

His lips pursed for a moment, and then he sighed. “I told you this is new for me too, and I didn’t want to make the wrong move. So…I didn’t make any move. And that isn’t working out for me either, so what do you think? Are you willing to try again?”

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