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Was it possible that Cord could be reasoned with? I made a mental note to discuss the possibility with Andro. Cord could be an ally for later. If things went as south as I thought they would and we succeeded in taking Vince out, Cord would be a good replacement for the family.

I certainly wasn't cut out for the job.

Vince watched Cord walk away and then glanced up at me. "Pay him no mind.”

“I wasn't even listening." I could barely believe the persona I was putting on. If Vince knew me at all, he'd know how fucking fake it was. "I'm gonna head out. I said I was grabbing doughnuts. They’ll be expecting me back soon."

"Whatever." Vince didn’t seem to care as I left his office.

I considered looking for Cord, but I wasn’t sure I could trust him, so I didn't say a word as I left the house.

Instead, I planned to run the information by Andro. He likely knew more about my family than I did. Either way, I was just happy to be making my way back home, where Jeremiah was.



Once my mate left, I dozed for a little while longer. When the sunlight hit my eyes and no amount of tossing or turning would block it out, I threw the covers back and got out of bed. I went about my morning business–brushing my teeth, washing my face, and using the toilet. That's when I saw the blood.

I sucked in a breath. I was not prepared to find blood between my legs this morning or any morning. No one ever was, especially someone who was pretty sure they were pregnant.

I showered quickly and got dressed in a pair of simple jeans and an old band t-shirt from my high school days. Trev was standing outside my door, acting as guard. I knew it would be several more hours before Felik returned from seeing his brother. He planned on taking the scenic route to his family home, in case he was being tailed by anyone. He also planned to make a few seemingly random stops to act like he didn’t have a care in the world.

Meanwhile, I was stuck in this house with just my family, dealing with a crisis. One I didn’t feel comfortable discussing with them.

I turned to Trev, hoping to pull off casual and not as panicked as I felt. "Where is everyone?"

"Orsino left to go to one of the casinos. Joey and Andro are still in their suite. On days like today, where there isn’t much going on, the two of them tend to spend a lot of time in there. Same with Louie and Connor. Do you need something?" Trev’s brow furrowed as he looked me over.

I appreciated his astuteness when I needed a guard, he was definitely good at his job, but right now, I needed to be examined, but not by one of my brother’s guards.

“I don’t know where to start. First, I need to get to the nearest urgent care or hospital."

Trev's eyes narrowed. "There’s an urgent care clinic attached to the hospital in town, not far from the casino actually. Are you ill?"

Trev was family, a cousin, but he answered to my brother, and I was not about to give him any more information than he needed.

"It's an omega thing. Don't worry about it." I wanted answers for myself before I could even begin to answer them for anyone else. I pushed to move past him, but he gripped my arm gently.

"Jer, you’re not leaving this house on your own. We’ll go and take care of whatever you need, but we’ll go armed." There was no mistaking the determination in his voice. It was a compromise I could live with.

We wouldn’t alert Andro, but I would have to go under guard. "Fine. Give me a gun."

He smiled. "Only because I know you know how to use one. Honestly, I’m surprised you’re not packing already."

I shrugged. "Might be. You'll never know." I wasn't, obviously.

And when Felik pulled out a sidearm at dinner, I was surprised. Since I wasn't involved in the family business, at least not directly, I didn't feel the need to carry a gun all the time. I rarely did on campus, and I certainly hadn't been about to try to get one past airport security. I didn’t even know they made TSA-approved gun cases for traveling until he later explained it to me.

Felik had said he was going to visit the armory before leaving to meet with his brother. I hoped he had an entire arsenal with him to deal with Vince.

"Let's go. We'll get you a holster and whatever you need."

"Thanks, Trev. I appreciate it."

Within twenty-five minutes, we were on the road. Trev was in the driver’s seat of one of the many SUVs Andro owned. Why we had so many cars, I would never understand.

Our trip was slightly delayed while I emptied the contents of my stomach into a toilet bowl. That had not been a pleasant experience, but Trev waited patiently outside the door and then offered me a bottle of water afterward.

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