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Andro looked to Orsino, who nodded.

"I don't trust you." Andro finally put his gun on the table and sat back, folding his arms over his chest. "And we're not letting you go. We'll talk to Jeremiah. But don’t be surprised if we just kill you in the morning because of what you've done to him.”

“If I can’t have Jeremiah…” I swallowed hard, feeling emotion clogging my throat. “If he will never forgive me, then I would gladly lay down my life for him. Tell him I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to go this far."

Andro blew out a heavy breath. “Orsino, I'll take him to the guest room on the first floor. Have Silvan keep watch.”

Louie finally spoke up, glancing between his brothers and his father. “We do have the jail cells in the basement. We could finally put those to use."

Andro looked like he was considering it for a moment as his gaze slipped to his father. Thankfully, the older man shook his head.

"Not today. But I'm definitely keeping that as a possibility."

Orsino gripped my arm and pulled me to my feet. He pushed me toward a door opposite of the one we used when we came in.

“I’m sorry for interrupting your birthday dinner, sir.” I looked at Vern and hoped he didn’t hate me beyond forgiveness.

The man snorted out a laugh. “When you get to be my age, you enjoy excitement like this. I hope to see you again, Felik, but if my boys find out you’ve treated young Jeremiah badly, then I’m afraid this is goodbye.”

“I didn’t, sir. I promise you that.”

Vern smiled. “I’m rooting for you.”

I supposed that was good to hear. Though, it didn’t seem that the old man had much sway over the brothers.



“I wanted to tell you guys.” I sat on the floor with Matias in my lap and Theo in an activity chair beside me. “You would have set me straight.”

“What do you mean?” Joey was folding tiny baby clothes while Connor pumped milk for Louie to use for Matias’s three AM feeding. “Set you straight, how?”

We were in a room that used to be a guest room but had now been repurposed as a playroom for the kids. It had everything they and their fathers needed.

I shrugged and kept my eyes on my nephews, enamored with how perfect they were. Their tiny little fingers and toes and lips and noses. No flaws. No scars. No pain. “You would have reminded me that a guy like Felik would have no interest in a guy like me, and it had to be some kind of catfishing scam thing. I should have known better than to trust him.”

Joey came to my side and placed his arm around my shoulders. “It wasn’t a scam. I mean, maybe it started that way, but anyone can see that he truly cares about you. He was in front of you as fast as our husbands were. That wasn’t an act.”

My eyes began to water again, and that damn lump in my throat was back. I wanted their words to be true. So badly. But even if there was some level of affection that was real on Felik’s side, that didn’t negate the fact that he was helping to plot my brother’s assassination. Plus he was a Mennetti—currently our number one enemy—not that anyone had bothered to keep me in the loop about that.

Joey should have been more concerned about that little detail, but I guess they were used to the constant threat that was now a part of their lives. The threats that I’d been shielded from for most of my life. “Regardless, it’s over. Obviously. And I’m back on the market, waiting for my brothers or father to tell me who I have to marry.”

Connor put away the pump and scooted into our little huddle, placing his hand on my knee as he rubbed his son’s bare foot. “You don’t have to marry anyone you don’t want to. Andro has changed a lot of things around here after he married Joey and Louie married me. They won’t force you to do anything.”

I scoffed at the novelty of choice. “Doesn’t matter anyway. Clearly, I have terrible taste in alphas. I might as well let my brothers choose for me. At least then I’ll know the true motivation of my mate from day one. No fantasy romance or pretend feelings. Everything will be negotiated and agreed to in advance.” I sighed and dropped a soft kiss on my nephew’s head, inhaling his warm scent as a flush filled me. “Sorry for ruining dinner, by the way.”

My brothers-in-law looked at each other and giggled.

Connor shook his head. “Are you kidding? That was the most exciting dinner we’ve ever had. I’m so glad I was there to witness it all. Since the Mennettis started this war, we’ve been so secluded. It gets boring.”

I rolled my eyes and smiled. These guys needed to get out more. “Well, I’m gonna get to bed. I’m feeling a little nauseous and might be coming down with something.” That or the stress was getting to me. Two hours ago, my biggest worry was if Andro would like my boyfriend. Now, I was worried he might actually kill him.

Joey furrowed his brow and placed his hand on my forehead. “Shit, Jer. You’re burning up.” He lifted Matias from my lap and handed him to Connor. “You need to take a few Aspirin and get into bed. Don’t worry about the guys. We’ll keep them off your back until you’re feeling better.” He looked back at Connor and reconsidered. “Well, at least until morning. Get some rest while you can.”

I nodded my thanks and headed straight to my suite. It wasn’t as big as my brothers’ since it wasn’t intended to house a family, but I had a balcony that led down to the pool, and if I didn’t feel like my veins were on fire, I might have headed down for a swim. A few laps were always guaranteed to quiet my mind.

But right now, my mind was the last thing I was worried about. Something was definitely wrong, and I wasn’t sure what was happening.

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