Page 8 of Coming Home

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“Those are my new favorite kind of pants,” says a voice.

I glance over to see who made the comment, and see this same woman smack the guy who said it; Zane.

“Ouch, fuck. I mean look at the clouds. So very white in the sky,” Zane mumbles. I glance over with my eyebrow raised to look at Zane who now has his head tilted to the sky, pretending to look anywhere but in my direction.

I think I’m going to love Zeke’s mom.

“Well, Zeke, I guess this is everyone. More importantly, this is your brother and parents,” I say grabbing his arm and tugging him towards Zane and their parents.

They all have tears in their eyes as they look Zeke up and down.

“Fuck,” Zane spits out, sounding choked.

“I didn’t want to believe she was right. I was both excited about meeting you, but broken that it has been twenty-five years that I could have had with you before this moment,” Zane says hoarsely.

Tears well in my eyes at Zane’s words. I look over at Zeke who looks like he’s fighting some tears back of his own.

“I knew there was always something missing. I’m not sure how I can deal with the fact that I have a family. I don’t even know how this happened and I ended up with the parents I have,” Zeke admits.

“Let’s talk about this inside,” my father says, and everyone makes their way inside. Zeke puts his arm around me. I know he just needs the support right now.

No one really takes their eyes off of him but, when we sit down, I guess it’s finally time to get some answers.

“How did I end up with my adoptive family?” Zeke asks, breaking the silence. Many club members look upset; I’m not sure if they are upset thinking about when Zeke was taken from them, or upset that Zeke seems to think that the club and his parents voluntarily gave him away.

“You weren’t adopted out. We wanted both of you. We had both of you. You were taken, and we spent the last twenty-five years trying to find you,” his father spits out angrily.

Zeke pales at his words. “Taken? You mean, you didn’t give me up?” he whispers hoarsely.

“Fuck no. The person who took you and sold you has paid for their betrayal, but we had no idea where you went, or who he sold you to,” his father grumbles.

“Tell us everything,” his mom whispers.

He tells them about his family and how they were rich assholes who never supported his decision to become a tattoo artist.

When they start to question my mom about how she didn’t recognise him, Zeke and I tell them they never really met. Since my mom was working two jobs to support me, she wasn’t around as much as she wanted to be. When I went away to school, there was never a reason for them to meet up.

My stomach grumbles loudly, so I excuse myself to get something to eat. I think they need some time as a family to talk.

When I get into the kitchen, I see a woman I hadn’t really talked to last night.

“Hey, can I get you anything?” she asks. Her voice is soft like something that instantly soothes you.

“Oh, I was just hoping for a snack while my best friend reunites with his family,” I say awkwardly.

“I was just about to make a sandwich; I could make you one too,” she offers.

“Sure. That would be great,” I say with a smile. I sit at the island as I look at all the ingredients on the counter.

“Sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” I say as I watch her work.

“Oh sorry. I’m Anastasia. I’m Viking’s Old Lady,” she says before looking up at me.

My mouth drops open. “That guy who legit looks like he strolled out of a Viking romance novel; his name is actually Viking?”

She chuckles at my words. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s why they chose it.”

“Damn,” I whisper. “Good work.”

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