Page 63 of Coming Home

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“Oh, I know. I was just going to say that I hope she has a clear bill of health,” Ice says nervously.

“She will. She has done everything that the doctor has asked of her. Plus, she’s a nurse; she probably has seen what happens when someone doesn’t listen to the care instructions,” Mama says with a dismissive wave.

“Plus, Rage here has been strict as fuck on her,” Ice says with a laugh.

“Fuck, I hope I don’t have to see her go through something like that again,” I tell them.

“Fucking rights, brother,” Prez says in agreement.

It doesn’t take long for the kitchen to start filling up with the smell of breakfast, which seems to bring everyone out.

Mama smacks everyone’s hands though. “Dani gets the first plate. It’s her special day,” Mama tells everyone.

“Brother, you better go wake Dani up before we start to get hangry,” Knuckles says with wide eyes.

I shake my head at the face he’s making.

“I’m already awake. It was just amusing to watch all of you try to outsmart Mama,” Dani says calmly from the hallway.

“The boys don’t think I have eyes in the back of my head. I see everything, I tell you!” Mama says while raising her wooden spoon in the air.

“All that’s missing is cackling and a cauldron,” Knuckles whispers quietly.

“Boy, you are lucky I’m not a witch or I would curse your dick to dry up and fall off,” Mama says dryly.

Everyone bursts out in laughter while Knuckles looks at Mama in horror.

“That’s just plain mean,” he says to her.

“You think that because I am old, I can’t hear; but my hearing is just fine,” Mama states.

Dani laughs as she makes her plate before sitting down beside me. Everyone rushes to make their plates while eyeing Mama but, when she doesn’t smack their hands with a wooden spoon, they seem to relax.

Mama hands me a plate piled with food and then gives one to Prez.

“Why do they get served?” Ice asks while looking at our heaping plates.

“Because they didn’t rush to the food like they haven’t eaten in weeks. They were waiting for you silly boys before getting theirs. I knew they would, which is why I put plates aside for them,” Mama says.

I smirk at Ice as he glares at me.

“Hey Mama, here’s the croissants you wanted,” Ana’s voice says when she walks into the kitchen with a couple of boxes in her arms.

Ice races up to help her with them, and she sighs in relief when they are out of her hands.

“Thanks. I thought for sure I was going to drop them,” she says.

“No problem,” he says before walking back to his seat.

“Oh, shoot, I forgot you were bringing them by,” Mama says looking at the food that is now gone from the serving dishes.

“It’s okay. I can just eat a croissant,” she says, waving her hand.

“Here, I have some bacon and hash browns. You can have them,” Ice says, pushing his plate towards her.

“That’s okay. You eat it,” Ana says with a flush of her cheeks.

“Don’t worry, my plate was full. I had more than enough,” he lies.

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