Page 19 of Coming Home

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“Okay. Are you ready?” my mother asks when she meets us at the exit of the store. I roll my eyes.

“Mother, we have been ready for hours,” I say dryly.

She gives me a sheepish smile. “I can’t ignore the sales.”

I nod my head. “Oh, I know. Trust me.”

The thing that is awkward is that our last stop is a lingerie store. Although that might be exciting for some, it’s quite awkward when shopping with my mother. I didn’t want to look at anything she picked out, seeing as she would be wearing it for my father. That thought is enough to make me gag.

I also don’t want her to see anything I picked out. I may have chosen a few things with Zane in mind. I may have worn scrubs all the time, but I liked to indulge in sexy underwear.

It’s one of the few things I allow myself.

“Thank fuck,” the prospect says quietly, but we both hear him.

“What, you don’t like shopping for underwear?” I ask teasingly.

He smiles. “Oh, darling I love the sexy bras and panties women wear that I get to see in bed, but it’s like torture having to take two beautiful women to pick shit out when you know they are both spoken for.”

“Oh, I could see your point. Don’t worry, we will make sure that Zane and my father know you didn’t follow us into the change room,” I tell him with a wink.

“That would be great. Otherwise, they would kill me,” he says with a chuckle.

“We can’t have that,” my mom says as we head to the SUV we brought with us. It’s already full of bags. Hank had to make several trips to bring the bags in as we went.

It doesn’t take long to head back to the club. It’s livelier now than it was this morning. Everyone seems to be in a good mood.

I can smell that Mama is cooking something delicious.

“There are my girls,” my father says when we walk into the door. Our arms are loaded with bags.

“Holy shit, did you two buy the whole store?” someone asks with a laugh.

I shake my head. “Believe it or not, most of this is my mother’s,” I say, laughing.

“Your mom has always had a thing for shopping,” one of the brothers says.

Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that my mom knew a few of these brothers years ago. You can tell by the way she talks to them.

I head to my room with my bags and feel a presence follow me into the room.

I turn around to see Zane looking at me with desire in his eyes.

“Did you have fun, baby?” he asks, walking closer to me.

“The first couple hours I did, but then my mother decided to take a few extra hours so she could be absolutely positive that she went over every inch of the mall,” I tell him.

“It’s hard to believe I only met you a couple of days ago. I missed you like crazy all day,” he says lowly.

A small smile comes to my lips. “I know. I missed you too.”

Zane already feels like such an important part of my life. This feeling should be scary, but I don’t want to run from this. From him.

He is close enough to bring a hand to my face to tilt my chin up, and I know he’s about to kiss me. I see him glance down at my lips before he presses his to mine.

I never had the feeling of getting lost in someone’s kiss until this moment. I didn’t know what it meant, but I already knew he was different.

I feel his tongue on my lips before I open them, and the kiss is soft and sweet. It’s nothing like I expected from him.

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