Page 15 of Coming Home

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Fuck, if any of my brothers knew that I was watching this, they wouldn’t fucking stop teasing me.

I don’t have a lot of time to watch TV, so I am only on the first season. I played the first episode because I was bored, and I don’t mind a chick show every now and then. For some reason, this show has me hooked.

I grin as I sing along with the theme song and find myself relaxing.

I’ll find a way to claim Dani so that her father won’t kill me for touching his girl.

Chapter Four


I wake up early the next day. I don’t hear any sounds of anyone up in the club, and I know most of them stay here.

My father, mother, and I spent a few hours together last night after dinner getting to know one another. I left when they started making eyes at each other. I knew what that meant, so I left as fast as I could.

It has been great getting to know him. I had spent a lot of time during my life picturing what my father would be like if I ever met him, and I guess I was way off on the biker thing since my mom didn’t really let us around any bikers. I know why now; she was scared for her and me. It sucked, but I also understand it.

When I make it out of my room after showering and getting dressed, I find the kitchen empty; just like I expected, since it’s only five in the morning.

Maybe I should do some shopping today since I didn’t have many clothes to bring with me and, let’s face it, I mostly had scrubs because of my job. I didn’t need those here right now.

I sit down with a coffee at the table as I look up on my phone what kind of stores are in this town.

I mentally make a list of everything I need from clothes to toiletries.

Someone sits beside me, and I jump because I wasn’t expecting it. I was so lost in my phone, I didn’t notice.

“Morning,” the deep, gruff voice says.

I look up to see Zane looking at me. His eyes are still heavy with sleep while he sips his coffee.

“What are you doing up this early?” I ask, looking around and noticing we are alone.

“I fell asleep pretty early last night so, when I couldn’t sleep anymore, I thought I would get some coffee before I head to work,” he explains.

I nod my head. “What do you do for work?”

“I help around with each of the businesses; mostly security,” he says.

“I could see that,” I say with a smile.

He smiles at me. “Why’s that?”

“Oh, because you are huge, and look like you could fuck someone up with your pinky,” I blurt out.

He looks like he’s thinking over my words, but there is amusement in his eyes. “I probably could. I can’t say I have tried though.”

“I was hoping to head out today to do some shopping,” I say, changing the subject.

“You should probably take a prospect with you,” he says.

I raise an eyebrow at him. “Why would I do that?”

I never needed to bring anyone with me shopping in my life.

“Because you’re the princess of this MC. I’m sure you already know that there are people out there who will go to great lengths to get to you,” he says lowly.

“I hadn’t thought of that,” I mumble. Of course, I know what some people will do to club princesses. That’s how I ended up in the situation I was in not too long ago.

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