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“Fuck, baby girl,” he groans.

Hunter erupts inside of me, flooding me with his warm, thick seed. And as I feel the wet rush of his come, I cry out and shake wildly, overwhelmed by another orgasm so strong, my fingers and toes curl. Hunter winces as my fingernails dig into his shoulders, but together, we let ourselves get lost in the currents of our shared ecstasy.

That warm, golden afterglow envelops us, and when he grows soft and slips out of me, he flops onto his back on the sofa. I lie with my head on his chest and listen to the booming thud of his heartbeat, relishing the heat of his body and the smell of our sex that saturates the air. Hunter runs his fingers through my hair, and when I look up at him, he smiles.

A thousand thoughts and emotions collide within me, and I suddenly don’t know if I’m about to laugh or cry. To think I might have thrown everything we shared together away breaks my heart. I know I was doing it for the right reasons, but the thought of going through life without this man by my side, I don’t know if I’d ever truly recover from that sense of loss.

Some people would no doubt say I’m too young to know what love really is. Many would discount what I share with Hunter as nothing more than a schoolgirl crush or an older man with a little girl fetish. But I know it’s more than that. And I know he feels it too. Something in the universe, as improbable as it is, has not just brought us back into each other’s lives again but has unlocked something special between us. Something rare. Something to be cherished.

“Thank you,” I say, “for not letting me throw this away.”

“Thank you for not wanting to throw it away.”

I smile. “I love you.”

“And I love you back,” he says.

We lie together, our bodies intertwined, proof of our passion and love not just on the air and on our bodies, but in our hearts, both of them beating as one. A smile touches my lips as I lay my head back down on his chest, feeling content and loved.



It’s been a few weeks since the scene at my place and my reconciliation with Harlow. Having her back in my life has healed those broken pieces inside of me and filled the hole she left in her wake. I know she was doing what she thought was the best thing or the right thing, but my running battle with Micah goes far beyond anything to do with her.

All the same, even though we’re back together, I know she’s going to carry around that sliver of guilt and doubt. Harlow is an incredible woman. She’s intelligent and kind. But she’s also one of the most sensitive souls I’ve ever known. She tries to hide it, but I can always see that sensitive nature of hers creeping in around the edges. Which means, as long as my relationship with Micah remains in doubt, it’s going to be a dark cloud that hovers over our relationship. And I can’t have that. I won’t have that.

I stand in front of the apartment door and draw in a deep breath then count to ten and let it out slowly, steeling myself for the battle ahead. And this is going to be a battle. But it’s one that needs to be fought. There has to be some resolution one way or another so I’m going to bite the fucking bullet and set the train in motion. It’ll be up to Micah where it stops.

I knock on the door and wait as I listen to shuffling footsteps approaching on the other side. When the door opens, he stands there, looking at me blankly for a minute, not seeming to know quite what to say. But he runs a hand through his hair and quickly adopts the surly expression I’ve come to know as his default setting.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” he growls.

“We need to talk.”

Before giving him a chance to react, I push the door open and brush past him. He looks shocked as I pass and walk into his place but doesn’t say anything for a moment.

“I didn’t invite you in,” he says lamely.

“And yet, I’m inside anyway,” I reply. “Close the door and get your ass in here.”

He closes the door, walks into the living room where I’m standing, and folds his arms over his chest, his face darkening and his expression growing even surlier.

“I don’t have anything to say to you,” he says.

“Good. Then you can listen because I have a lot to say.”

“I don’t?—”

“Shut the fuck up,” I snap. “Now, I’ve put up with your pouting and blaming me for everything that’s wrong with your life for years. I know you blame me for not being around when you were a kid, and truth be told, I am partly to blame. I could have tried harder, but it was easier to simply avoid the conflict with your mom by doing as she asked and staying away. I’m sorry for that, Micah. That is my fault. But I’m not the only one to blame in that situation. I took it because I didn’t want to fight with you about it. I genuinely wanted to fix things between us.”

He scoffs and shakes his head but doesn’t say anything to refute my point. He doesn’t say anything at all, actually. I want to believe on some level I’m getting through to him. Or that maybe he’s already come to the same conclusions, but his pride won’t let him acknowledge it. I’m not going to push. That’s a conversation that can be had another time and isn’t the broader point I want to make here today.

“Micah, I know it surprised you to see me with Harlow. I get it. But you two haven’t dated in years, and like we told you, it was a chance thing when our paths crossed again. We clicked and started seeing each other,” I tell him. “This wasn’t some plan to fuck you over or hurt you. It just happened. It wasn’t something either of us planned, and no, we weren’t plotting behind your back and seeing each other all those years ago. That’s just fucking nonsense.”

“She’s half your age,” he finally says weakly.

“She is. And yeah, maybe it’s strange, but I’m not going to apologize for it,” I tell him. “We just clicked. Sometimes, you click with somebody you never expected to click with. That’s what happened here.”

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