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“Fine,” Violet said, letting out a huff along with her grin. “I’ll put them away.”

She smiled. “There is a dish on the conference room table for everyone.”

“Sweet,” Violet said. “I’ll be having one with my morning coffee. Is there a problem with your place?”

“No,” she said. “The condo next to me is having some renovations done. They had to make sure when they cut the power to do work there it won’t affect me. It was a pretty quick visit.”

She was debating telling Violet about Knox and decided not to.

She might not see him again even if she wanted to.

But she would send him an email once she talked to Poppy today.

Who would have thought she’d run into him again, let alone he’d look like that?

Talk about drool worthy.

Good lord. She was shocked she didn’t come off like a fool talking to him when she remembered the horrible words Brit had said.

At least she felt like she could put it behind her now.

“That’s always good,” Violet said. “I’m glad all our renovations are done now. Trace needs peace and quiet when he works.”

Trace and Violet had bought a house when they were engaged but had some work done to it before they moved in, staying in Violet’s old apartment during the renovations.

Her brother’s house was stunning.

And though Trace had a lot of success with his writing and was going to be even more well-known soon, it was Violet who really had the money that no one had known about until Trace came into her life.

Sage’s brother had been here researching a book but also helping out his best friend, Kate, find some answers to a mystery in her family.

Trace and Violet found each other and all their truths came out.

Meanwhile, Sage would like to stay away from her truths. They were too painful.

Not that secrets were a great thing, and her family was aware of why she ran, even if it was embarrassing and made her feel like a fool. Not to mention went against everything she stood for in her morals and values and how she was raised.

She trusted her family to keep it to themselves and they had. She just had to move past it and was.

It felt like too many times in her life she fell into a big old black hole filled with horse poop. Big piles of hay covered in shit spinning around and smacking her in the face.

Half the time she tripped and fell into more without knowing it was there.

When was her life going to turn into pretty-smelling things?

Maybe that was why she was so excited about this job at Blossoms.

Everything smelled great and she hoped it wore off on her.

“And he has it now,” she said. “When he’s not walking around and stretching his legs.”

Her brother had broken his back during a bombing in the Army. They thought they were going to lose him, then they weren’t sure he’d walk again. It was a long painful recovery, but her brother had made it.

His military career was over and he started to write when he wasn’t working with their father who now had his own PI firm.

She found it funny how it was just another thing she and Trace were opposite about. She didn’t like reading much and her brother lived for it.

But she made time to read her brother’s books. It was the least she could do so she could brag about him.

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