Page 118 of A Surprise For Sage

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But she wasn’t surprised that Violet told Trace. She was expecting a call from her mother next.

“No,” she said. “He didn’t. I understand.”

“Don’t do that,” Violet said. “Don’t make excuses for him.”

“Oh,” she said. “I’m not. He has to apologize to me. He has to come to me this time. I’m done with always making all the moves with him first. I’ll say I’m sorry for not telling him, but I told him the reason that I didn’t. I was embarrassed and I knew his history with his mother and didn’t want him to think exactly what he did. That was my fault.”

“If you’d told him in the beginning,” Trace said. “Then maybe it wouldn’t have felt as if you were keeping it from him.”

“Like you’re one to talk,” she said. “You didn’t tell Violet why you were here years ago.”

“She has you there,” Violet said. “But I had my own secret. And your brother did tell me. I didn’t find out from anyone else. He came clean because the guilt was getting to him. I was upset but realized that he was protecting Kate at the same time and had to make a choice.”

“It’s not easy making a choice,” she said. “I’ve made so many of them in the past year and it feels like for every good one there is a bad one. Why?”

“Because that is life,” Trace said. “I’ll be back.”

“Where is he going?” Sage asked.

“No clue. He always does that. Just leaves and walks or drives. It’s how he works. You know that.”

“It doesn’t bother you he just walks out with no explanation?”

“No,” Violet said. “I trust him and understand how his mind works. I guess that comes with loving someone.”

“Yeah,” she said. “I trust Knox and know how his mind works. That is why I didn’t tell him everything. I was right and he reacted the exact way I thought that he would. No, that is wrong. I didn’t think he’d bethatharsh.”

“We can’t plan these things out,” Violet said. “You know that. Do you want to see the baby’s room?”

“I do,” she said. “No name yet for my niece?”

“Nope,” Violet said. “We can’t agree on anything just yet. Neither of us has come up with a name we are so in love with that we need to push for it.”

Sage grinned. “No flower?”

“No,” Violet said. “Not happening.”

The two of them went up the stairs to check out the baby’s room. “I love the color,” she said.

It was done in a light purple and she shouldn’t have been surprised considering her sister-in-law’s name. “My parents sent the furniture last week. I couldn’t tell them no.”

“It’s beautiful,” she said.

She was positive the white furniture cost more than most people’s living room and dining room sets combined.

“My father said he made sure it’s sturdy enough to pass down for many more kids.”

Sage laughed. “I can’t wait until she is here and I can babysit her. Who knows, but by the looks of it, I’ll have a lot of time on my hands.”

“Don’t be so sure,” Violet said, smirking.

They went back downstairs and had a cup of coffee and a cookie. She just wanted to visit and take her mind off of her man troubles.

She didn’t get that chance though when Trace walked back in the door followed by Knox.

Now she could guess why Violet was smirking.

“What’s so funny?”

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