Page 115 of A Surprise For Sage

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“I’m learning that now. Kate realized Selena was the one who found out we were dating. I’m not sure how she did.”

There was silence on the other end. “I told her we were dating,” Henry said.

She ground her teeth. None of this made sense, but she wasn’t sure why she was surprised after everything else she found out. “Why?” she asked. “We agreed to keep it private.”

Her eyes filled with tears over this new information. She wasn’t sure why it shocked her though.

Knox was watching her every move, but he couldn’t hear what was being said on the other end. She wasn’t sure if that was worse or not knowing she’d have to air her humiliation out to him.

“She was coming onto me,” Henry said. “I couldn’t get her to stop. I said I was seeing someone.”

She snorted out a laugh. “Might have been the only truthful thing to come out of your mouth. You should have said there was more than one.”

“I deserved that,” Henry said.

“And a lot more.” Asshole!

“When she found out it was you, that is when everything started,” Henry said. “Or at least it felt like it. I’m positive she was stalking my every move to get a hint.”

Sage thought back and knew the timing of it was right.

No one said anything about her getting the job until they found out about her relationship with Henry.

“It doesn’t matter,” she said. “It’s in the past. I’ve moved on in more ways than one.”

“Are you saying you’re seeing someone?” Henry asked.

“Yes. I am. I’m sitting next to him now. What I’ve got with him is nothing that I would’ve ever had with you. Because he doesn’t lie and keep things from me. You can’t have a relationship based on that. Don’t call me again. Don’t send me things. Don’t reach out to me on social media. Don’t even speak my name. I was a game to you.”

“You weren’t,” Henry said. “I really did care for you.”

“Whatever,” she said. She was crying now and hated herself for that but then hung up and tossed her phone down to look at Knox. “And now you want to know it all, right?”

“That’d be nice,” Knox said.



Knox was having mixed reactions to what he’d just heard.

He knew it was only one-sided, but it also told him something more was going on.

When he’d seen the phone call, the first thing that came to his mind was that she was cheating on him. Which was stupid but a switch just flipped.

He wanted her to answer the call in front of him. To see how she reacted. What she said.

But what he saw was how hurt she was over something.

He didn’t like her comments about secrets and lies and wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Maybe some of it was guilt on his part, but until he knew everything, he couldn’t say much.

“As you know, that was Henry. I haven’t heard from him since he came to my apartment in New York and said we were done.”

“He gave no reason?” he asked. He’d heard this part before. “Nothing at all?”

“No. I asked. I was crying. I wanted to know. I didn’t know if it was something I did or not. I thought we had a good relationship.”

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