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“I’ll meet you at the table. Bathroom break,” I say, then bolt in the opposite direction. Jane break is more like it. If I don’t put some space between us, I’m going to implode.

When I step out of the restroom, I come across Wade in the corridor. He’s shed his blazer, and his cheeks are flushed. “Colton, are you having a good time?”

“You bet,” I say. “How’s life as a married man?”

“So far so good.” He winks. “You’ll find out for yourself soon enough. We made the right choice, I think.” He leans back against the wall. “That’s what matters, you know?”

“Yeah,” I say, shoving my hands in my pockets. “I guess you’re right. Opening up to someone is hard, though. We’re guys. We don’t do that.”

“Happy guys do that,” Wade clarifies. “That’s the key.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“And when they still decide they want us? After knowing the bad and the ugly? That’s golden, mate. That’s when we can finally breathe.”

“I suppose so,” I say as he pats me on the shoulder and enters the restrooms. I can’t wait to start breathing too. Jane represents a lot of firsts for me. The first woman—besides staff—to step inside my house. The first person in my life to meet my childhood friends. The first woman to see my mom’s grave. The first person outside of my circle of childhood friends who knows about my past. Opening up to her was as liberating as it was scary, but I’m glad I did. And I’m glad she opened up to me too. I feel so much closer to her now. Yet there’s still this huge chasm keeping us apart, and I’m not sure she wants to close it as badly as I do.

When I get back to the table, Jane is perched at the edge of her seat. “I love this song! Let’s dance again.”

And I oblige, because right now, there’s nothing I want more than to be the one who puts a smile on Jane’s face. We spend the rest of the night dancing and drinking, and I haven’t felt this relaxed in a long time. I don’t know if it’s the liquor, the party mood, or the fact that I’m just having fun with Jane, but it’s working. We laugh and let loose on the dance floor all through the night. Andrew and Piper join us, and we spend some time with Wade and Roxy too.

When we’re ready to call it a night, we find my friends to say a quick good night and then walk around the back side of the hotel building. Life is truly beautiful—the colors, the sounds, the textures. The way Jane’s hand feels in mine. I do everything I can to slow down our walk, but we’re already at the elevator. Desperate to keep the moment alive, and boosted by the alcohol, I kiss Jane’s hand tenderly.

“What are you doing?” she asks, but she’s not pulling her hand away.

“It’s so soft,” I whisper. “I love your hands. And your hair.” I brush a loose strand from her face, and my finger falls on her lips. “You’re so beautiful, Jane. I’m going to kiss you now.”

A light moan escapes her lips, and I’m done for. Her arms reach around my neck as our lips collide, and it’s the sweetest taste on the planet. I’m an instant addict, and as we stand there in each other’s embrace, I know I’ll never be able to stop. She deepens the kiss, her body falling onto mine until I’m backed up against the elevator wall.

All too soon, the elevator shudders and jerks to a stop. I don’t want to let go. She doesn’t either. We get out of the elevator, alternating between kisses, giggles, and finding our way to our room. Once we’re inside, she takes off my blazer and undoes my bow tie before kissing my neck. I blink rapidly, just to make sure this is actually happening, not some kind of trick my mind is playing on me. But it’s not an illusion. It’s real, and she’s taking my shirt off now. She guides me to the bed and falls on top of me, her lips back on mine like a magnet.

She feels the same way about me. Wade was right—when they still want you after seeing your ugliest, it’s the most amazing feeling in the world.



Light peeking through the curtains rouses me awake. Stirring, I turn around and freeze. It wasn’t a dream. Colton is lying here in our bed, naked. And he’s glorious. I take a moment to admire his features, because damn, this man is gorgeous. His suits always hide so much of his body. Who knew he had washboard abs underneath all that? I know he has a home gym, but I haven’t seen him use it since I moved in.

Oh no. I’m living with him. We live together, and we’re getting married. I lean back against my pillow, careful not to wake him, because I’m not ready for that conversation. What would it even sound like? He doesn’t want this. We were drunk last night, on champagne, wine, and an overall air of love. And, as far as I’m concerned, that torturous British accent. That’s the only reason this even happened. A terrible lapse in judgment. I will never drink again in Colton’s presence, because when I get drunk, I don’t know how to lie anymore. I don’t know how to pretend.

My heart hammers at the memory of last night. The dancing, the laughter, the ease with which I fell into his arms. How natural it was to kiss him, like it was always meant to be. My lips and neck burn at the thought, and I can almost feel his lips roving over my body again. No! You have to get it together, Jane. What we had last night wasn’t real. He doesn’t want this, and I don’t want this. I don’t do relationships. I want my freedom, and judging by the way Colton’s eyes consume me, I’d melt into him just like I did with Zander. It’s like I don’t know how to give just part of myself to someone. I always go all in, but I can’t give my control away again. I need to retain power over myself.

Colton shifts next to me and props himself on his elbow to face me. His eyes are unsure, and he pinches his lips, probably trying to find something to say. “Last night—”

“—Was a mistake,” I finish for him. Because I’m sure that’s what he was about to say. But I don’t want him to feel guilty about it because I’m the girl or whatever. “And it should never be spoken of again. We were drunk. We played the part of the happily engaged couple all day, and we got lost in the fantasy. Nothing more.”

His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Right. Yes,” he stammers, sitting up in bed.

“Sober us doesn’t want this,” I say with a nervous laugh. “Right? We have a contract, and I hope we can salvage our professional relationship. Maybe even be friends?”

“Of course,” he says, blinking fast. “Absolutely.”

“Great.” I pull the cover toward me to drape myself in it. “I’ll hop in the shower, and then we can meet everyone for breakfast.” Stumbling to my feet, I ensure my body is entirely covered before booking it to the bathroom, my heart still rattling.

I can’t believe it went that well. Colton didn’t seem bothered which proves I was right about him not being interested, and I . . . well, I’ll get over it, because there is so much at stake. I need to be practical and learn from my past. This is not what I want. Freedom is my dream.


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