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Jane studies the shelves long and hard before finally deciding on the NY version of the game.

Her eyebrow arches. “The shrink wrap is still on?”

That’s because I haven’t played it before. I have all major US city versions, but I never open them. “It’s new,” I say, not elaborating.

“I’m honored,” she says with a goofy smile.

“Don’t be. I’ll still kick your ass.”

She responds with a light chuckle, and it might be my new favorite sound. It’s soft and gentle with a soothing melodic tone I can’t get enough of.

We sit down at the square table and place our champagne glasses on a pair of coasters. After opening the game, I set it up. The tokens are different in this one. I always go for the top hat, but there isn’t one, so I choose the taxi and Jane the apple.

“Ladies first,” I say, leaning back.

“Wait.” She frowns. “Don’t we get money?”

“I always play without any startup capital or salary during the first trip around. I write down the loans we take from the bank, and we have to reimburse them before building on our lands.” That’s how I got started, after all.

Her eyes widen. “You’re serious?”

“Of course. It’s fun, you’ll see. Otherwise, it’s just too easy. But if you want, I can give you some starting money, and I’ll start with zero. I’m sure I can still win,” I say before taking a sip of my champagne.

“Ha. No way!” she says, rolling the dice. “You and I play by the same rules.”

It’s been a while since I’ve played Monopoly—way too long, in fact. When I entered the business world, I had to start playing cards, the game of choice in cigar rooms. I’m quite good at poker and blackjack, but there’s a special place in my heart for Monopoly. It reminds me of the afternoons spent playing with my mom. She would set up the game, make me a cup of hot cocoa, and play with me for hours. A pang tugs at my heart, and I force my mind back in the game.

It's so easy picking up the gimmicks of the game, even after all this time. I wish I could play more often. During the first few rounds, Jane is very focused on every play, even though she’s feigning confidence. She has that careful look on her face that tells me she’s overthinking. As if every move was life or death. It’s quite endearing.

“Argh. I don’t know,” she says, twisting her mouth as she contemplates buying the most expensive space on the board. She has just enough to do it.

Don’t do it, I silently plead. I almost say it out loud, but even if I pondered letting her win, I just can’t cheat.

She studies the property card. “It’ll easily pay for itself. I’m buying it.”

I press my lips to contain a smile.

“What?” Her eyebrows draw together. “It’s a good move, right?”

It’s a rookie mistake. “Do as you wish,” I say instead, crossing my arms over my chest.

She eyes me suspiciously. “You’re just saying that because you want me to pass on it and buy it yourself.”

“That’s not true,” I say, but she doesn’t believe me and buys the property.

It’s now my turn, and I land on the other dark-blue space on the board. The one that would complete her pair. I feel bad for what I’m about to do, but I can’t go easy on her just because I want to see her smile when she beats me. I’m not that guy.

“Okay. I’m buying it,” I say. She points an accusing finger at me.

“I knew it!”

I just chuckle as I pay the bank and acquire the property title. “Now, I’d like to propose a trade,” I say, and she frowns. “I’ll give you Central Park so you can have both dark-blue properties. But in exchange, I want your dark brown, Chinatown, and your light blue Washington Square Park.”

She checks her property cards and peers at me. “It’s not even worth it,” she says, shaking her head.

“It is to me.” I finish my drink. “Cost and worth are not the same. It might not be the same added cost, but with those two properties, two of my sets will be complete, and I’ll be able to build on them.”

“Hmm.” She scrutinizes both property cards and the board again, thinking it over, and I can’t help but notice how flawless her features are. She’s wearing no makeup, yet she’s perfection itself. A beautiful oval face, cheeks tinged with pink, and sparkling eyes. Even the deep frown she’s currently sporting is incredibly appealing. “Okay, fine,” she finally says. “I’ll do it.”

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