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“It wasn't.” He gently tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear. “The London Regents have become my home. They’re my club, and I'm more than happy to stay with them for the rest of my career. When I met you, football was all I had, but you made me realise there’s more to life. That I could have it all, right now. With you.”

I shake my head. My mind is reeling with his words, and I suddenly feel dizzy. “Wade . . .”

Cupping my face in his soft hands, he forces me to look at him. My legs threaten to buckle under me. “Roxy, I love you so much. I wouldn’t be happy in Madrid without you.”

“I love you too,” I say, unable to resist the urge to place a quick kiss on his addictive lips. “But I don’t want to hold you back.”

“We just won the Champions League. It’s not like my club sucks,” he jokes, which makes my body relax. He’s got a point.

“I’ll be fine,” he says. “Now, say that again, please.”

I frown. “What?”

“That you love me too.”

I look away, feigning ignorance. “Oh? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He shakes his head in disbelief. “Ah, hell. Maybe I can call Madrid back.”

I grip his T-shirt and bring him closer. “Don’t you dare. You will stay right here. I love you, Wade Hunter, and I’m never letting you go.”

“Much better,” he whispers, stroking my chin before planting a sweet kiss on my lips. “Because here is exactly where I want to be.”



We’re currently at Heathrow, waiting for our flight to New York. It’s almost the end of Wade’s holiday. He has to be back at practice in two weeks, but he insisted we embark on a little getaway before he returns to the pitch. Our summer has been amazing. We divided our time between his flat and mine, worked out at the gym together, and attended Kim and Karl’s wedding last week. They had a beautiful ceremony held in a flower garden, and I’m ecstatic that they got their happy ending. I would have never forgiven myself if my complicated past with Karl had messed up their relationship. Kim is a great girl, and I’m glad I’ve had the opportunity to get to know her.

“See that girl over there?” I mumble, pointing discreetly to a teenager in pigtails further inside the terminal. She’s donning a full emo look and has her earphones on.

“What about her?” Wade lifts his head from the magazine he’s reading.

“She’s a fugitive. She ran away from her crappy home, stole some cash, and bought a ticket for the first flight out of London, hoping to find a better life.”

“What?” Wade closes his eyes and shakes his head in disbelief. “What are you talking about? Do you know her?”

I shrug, unable to quell a mischievous smile. “Nope. But I like to make up stories about people.”

He cocks his head to the side and peers at me with interest.

“You think I’m weird, don’t you?” I ask, suddenly regretting having shared that particular bit of information.

“No, I think you’re amazing,” he says with a grin. “What about . . . him?” He jerks his head toward a middle-aged guy who’s hunched in his seat, clutching his briefcase tightly while darting his eyes left and right.

“Oh, that briefcase is full of cash, for sure. He’s waiting for someone, but he doesn’t know precisely what they look like, so he’s on high alert. He’s supposed to give them the briefcase in exchange for something. A killing? The release of his kidnapped child? That, I’m not sure about,” I say, scratching my chin.

“Oh, a killing, absolutely.” Wade approves with a nod. “What did you think about me when you first saw me at the airport?”

I look down at my nails to hide my reddening cheeks. “I don’t remember.”

He pins me with a glare. “Of course you remember. I know you.”

I sigh. “Fine. I couldn’t see your eyes because of your cap. You were clearly built like an athlete, but I also noticed you dressed really well. So, I was torn between athlete and model. Your leg was stretched out in front of you, so I figured someone would trip over it and tumble onto you, spurring the beginning of a love story.”

His face breaks into a broad grin. “Well, look at that. You weren’t that far off.”

I shake my head in denial. “I didn’t fall on you.”

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