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“So, not too far out of the city then,” I say. “I assume you left my car because Kervyn can track it.”

“I’m not an idiot. This isn’t my first kidnapping.”

“Elena wasn’t my first either, but she’ll be my last after I kill you.” I spit more blood out. “I think you loosened one of my teeth. I’m going to have to make you pay for that.”

“Ooh, I’m terrified.” He walks toward me. “What are you going to do, Arseny? Stare me to death?”

As he gets close enough, I kick out and make contact with his nuts. “That, for starters,” I laugh manically.

He groans on the ground, and I shift to see if I can get out of my binds. It’s cable ties. If I flex enough, I can probably snap them. I start to try to pull my arms apart, but the air is knocked out of me when Darius kicks me in the abdomen. I keel over backward, knocking the air out of me a second time. I try to catch my breath.

Darius gets me up again and cable ties my legs to the chair. “Clever little shit,” he grunts, limping slightly.

I snort and spit up blood. “Sorry, when I see an opportunity, I take it.”

“You’re not that different from me, Arseny. That’s why when I figured out how much you loved those butchers, I just had to acquire them. I’m so tired of the Milovs thinking they’re the bigger players. They’re not. They’re nothing compared to the Sokolov family. You’re just too blind to see it. You and I were not destined to fall in love, be fathers, and do things typical people do. We are the enforcers. Ours is a lonely life.”

“Speak for yourself. I have Elena,” I grunt. “Just because no one likes you doesn’t mean I’m unlovable.”

He punches me in the face again, and now my tooth pops out. I spit it to the floor and glare at him. “I’m going to have to take one of yours now.”

“I’d like to see you try,” he goads me.

I hear cars pull up outside, and Darius fixes his hair. “They’re here. I hope you’re ready to meet your fate.”

Am I ready? I’ve always thought that death doesn’t scare me, but now that I have Elena, now that she relies on me, I’m terrified of leaving her alone in this bloody mess of a world.

The garage door starts to open once Darius presses a button. Standing outside are Emery, Ethan, Kyle, and Sevan Sokolov. All armed. All dangerous.

Chapter 26 - Elena

“Who is this?” the old woman asks.

I look around. There are four women in the room; three are my size, and the older one is skinnier. There are also four babies in the room, and one of the women looks like she might be pregnant.

“This is Arseny’s girl, Elena Sokolov,” Luka says. “We need to keep her safe. Someone is after her.”

“You bring this woman to my house. Where is your brother? I want to knock some sense into his head. Going for a Sokolov, has he no taste.” I’m surprised by her biting words. The pregnant redhead looks at the other two and then stands.

“Mama Milov, if Arseny loves her…”

“Not now, Penny.” She turns to me. “What gives you the right to date my son? Your family are worse than scum.”

“Mama Milov,” Penny says, stepping forward. “I’m sure Arseny knows what he’s doing, and Elena is a sweet girl. You can’t judge everyone based on their family. Come and sit, Elena.”

I join them on the sofas. There are twins asleep in a camping cot to the side while two little toddlers play in the middle.

“Cute kids,” I say, trying to be conversational. I can hear the men talking in the next room. I wish they’d talk to me.

“Thanks. This is Samuel, and this is Jade. The twins are Kiran and Pierrick—or rather, KJ and PK for short.” Hannah looks at me. “Their father is Luka. Samuel’s father is Kervyn, and Jade’s father is Danil.”

“My brothers always say that having kids makes you soft,” I comment. “But your kids are very cute.”

“I wouldn’t say they make you soft. They certainly make you tougher,” Penny says as she hands me a cup of coffee.

“Penny, you shouldn’t be drinking so much caffeine,” Mrs. Milov says as she comes back in. “How did you seduce my son?” she asks, turning on me.

I look at her, surprised. “I… didn’t. Your son seduced me, I think.”

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