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“It’s a stupid thought.” I down my beer. “I’m going home.”

“Don’t,” Luka stands up as I stand. “Come to the casino with me. We’ll have some drinks. I’ll introduce you to some girls. I might not be able to partake in the ladies, but you still can. We’ll have Elena as a distant thought in no time.”

Do I want that? Do I want to forget Elena ever entered my life? I remember that night at the cabin, the way we blended into one person. The pleasure she felt at my touch. Maybe I am pissed that she hasn’t reached out. Maybe I wish she had.

I nod. “Let’s go. But I’m going in my own car.”

Luka nods. “Let’s go say bye and leave.”

Mama kisses me goodbye, which means she’s forgiven my stupid decision. Before long, I’m driving behind Luka toward his casino.

When we get there, we go straight to the VIP section, where Luka orders us each a double vodka and lime. I down it and order another one. Luka signals for some girls to come over, and true to his word, he doesn’t touch any of them, but they are all over me. One even dares to kiss me, and all I can think about is how it’s not Elena: how Elena tastes different—sweeter, sharper.

Luka gets up and goes to the bathroom, and with liquid courage in my gut, I know one thing. I need to see Elena.

I excuse myself from the group and sneak out of the side entrance.

Chapter 20 - Elena

Being home is strange, and my father wastes no time planning a party. Apparently, the family thinks I was away on a short holiday, and we are now celebrating my return.

When I ask my father where I should say I’ve been he says to say I went to a cabin in the mountains, like I actually was. Just don’t furnish the details about the kidnapping. We don’t need people taking revenge unnecessarily.

Not that he’ll hear me say anything about the kidnapping to him. He doesn’t care how I was treated or what Arseny did. In his books, the Milovs are simply enemies, and that’s the end of the story.

I dress in a short flowery dress and sandals for the party, leaving my hair loose in big curls. I’m downstairs before any of the younger family members arrive and oversee the last-minute preparations. I stand by my father's bar and sip a glass of champagne, popping the finger snacks into my mouth as I wait.

I’m incredibly hungry and finish about half the tray before my brother Ethan arrives.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting this party started,” I say, picking up my champagne glass. “What are you doing here so early?”

“I came to make sure everything was ready and to ensure that you were ready. Remember, you’re not supposed to let on…”

“That I was kidnapped. God, Ethan, I have a brain, okay?” I down my champagne and hand the flute to a waiter passing by. I pop another cheese and cocktail onion combo in my mouth and chew on it thoughtfully. “Do you honestly know I have a brain?”

“Of course, you have a brain,” Ethan says. “I just don’t think you have business sense and realize how important these kinds of things are to the family.”

“So, I don’t have a brain,” I say, pushing past my bully of a brother and walking into the large entertainment room where the main part of the party will be held. I go to the table with the food and pick up a cocktail sausage roll, chewing it thoughtfully.

My older cousin Darius wanders in and smiles when he sees me. “Welcome back, little cousin.”

I smile and swallow, wiping my mouth on a napkin before I kiss his cheek. “You get taller every time I see you.”

“Perhaps you’re just getting shorter,” he smiles brightly. He kisses my forehead and lets me go. “How was your holiday?”

“It was fine, thank you.” I feel uncomfortable lying to him. “It was certainly eye-opening.”

“I would imagine so. Sevan is looking forward to seeing you. He just got back from a trip to Europe.” Darius picks at the food and pops something into his mouth.

“Well, that sounds far more interesting than my trip to the woods.” I smile as a waiter brings me another flute of champagne. “Care for some champagne?”

“Whiskey, please. Neat.” The waiter nods and hurries off.

“You look beautiful, Elena, and it’s good to see you. I best go say hello to your father before he thinks I’m rude. Sevan will be in shortly.”

“I’ll join you after I talk to Sevan.”

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