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I lie there quietly, willing myself to sleep, but the questions are buzzing through my head. I’ve never been one who can be quiet or not question things. My father thinks it's a fault, but I think it’s the best way to find the answers.

“Why did you take me?” I ask, listening intently.

“I told you that already. I want to know why your father is buying all the butchers. If you could just tell me that, I swear, I would release you.”

“But why take me? Why not approach my father? He’s always been straightforward when it comes to business.” I turn slightly.

“He hasn’t been straightforward about this,” he says quietly.

“What are you going to do with me?” I ask hesitantly.

“Keep you until I figure out the best way to extract the information I need,” he turns on the bed, and I realize he’s lying on his back looking at me. The moon shines through the window and illuminates the room. He seems almost like a man possessed, with his eyes appearing so dark. It’s bone-chilling.

“Are you going to hurt me?” I ask.

“Not if you do what I say,” he admits. “If you don’t, I can’t make any promises. This isn’t my finest hour. I didn’t have an exact plan when I took you, so now I need to figure out the best course of action that will have a minimal impact on my family. If your father had just…” he trails off.

“You’re accusing my father of being underhanded. We’re not like that,” I inform him. “We’ve never done business that way.”

“Well, your father has changed tactics. I don’t expect he would have run them by you. You’re not a key player in the family.” He sighs. “I would have been better off getting Ethan.”

I huff and spin around, turning my back on him again. “I am a key player in the family, and I know my father would have mentioned it if he were up to something.” I’m angry at him but don’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me riled up.

“Whatever you say, princess. Get some sleep. Tomorrow, I’ll make eggs for breakfast. Maybe some bacon.”

“Better not be like pigeon eggs or something,” I mumble. I close my eyes. The exhaustion of the day washes over me, and I slowly drift off.

Something croaks, and my eyes fly open. “What’s that?”

“It’s a frog,” he grumbles. “You know, because we’re in the middle of the woods.”

“That means we’re near a water source,” I say quietly.

“Good guess. We are near a water source, where the cabin's running water comes from. It’s run through purifiers and whatnot.” He sighs and smacks his lips. “Is there anything else you want to know?”

The frog croaks again, and I whimper. “Is it in the room?”

“Unlikely, though, it sounds like it. The cabin is pretty well sealed, and the only place it could really come up is through the pipes, but there are gulley grates on all the drains, and nothing can get through except maybe a bug or two. Nothing to worry about.”

I shiver slightly at the thought of bugs crawling all over me and hug the blanket closer.

“If something comes into the room, I’ll kill it, okay?” Arseny says gently. “I promise.”

“Okay,” I agree quietly, trying to settle down and fall asleep again.

My eyes flutter, and I open them slowly. The room is flooded with warm light, and there’s a warm presence spooning me from behind. Pressing against my ass is a hard rod of some sort, and the morning grogginess makes me wonder what it is. I groan and yawn and realize someone other than me is holding my boob.

Everything comes flooding back to me, and I remember Arseny Milov took me captive, and I freeze. I told him to keep his hands to himself, but I can’t help but wonder if there’s potential here.

Maybe this isn’t a bad idea after all. Maybe I can seduce him into releasing me. At least get him to undo the cuff so I can kick him in the nuts and make a run for it. With it being daytime, I will be able to see where I’m going and spot any potential dangers.

I could make it further than I did last night. Although I do wince at the thought of how cut up my feet are going to be. The adrenaline should stop that from hurting until I reach the road, at the very least.

I decide to go for it, and I wriggle my butt slightly. Arseny groans and rubs himself up and down my ass cheek. His boxers are straining with his morning wood, and he is bigger than I imagined.

I wiggle my ass again, and his hand moves to my hips as he sleepily mumbles. “Careful, Princess, you might start something you can’t finish.”

I turn around, and his wood is in line with my crotch. I press myself forward and stroke his chest. His eyes snap open, and he looks down at me. “I mean it.”

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