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Beck went quiet, and I realized he was sound asleep.

“He’s really going to be okay, right?” I asked quietly.

Miles nodded. “Yes. The doctor is on her way, but he’s really not badly hurt.”

I knew Miles was right, but for some reason I felt more afraid now than I had watching my friends go in to get him.

Carter laid a hand on my shoulder. “Your adrenaline is wearing off. You’re thinking about all of the what ifs. That’s normal.”

I blew out a long breath. Beck shifted against me, and I laid a hand on his chest, needing to feel his strong heartbeat.

“Thank you, all of you, so much.”

“He would never have been targeted if it wasn’t for us,” Miles said. “We owed him a rescue and so much more.”

“I’m just so glad he’s here and he’s alive. Now I just need to figure out what to say when we get back.”

“You’ll do fine,” Ford leaned forward and gripped my shoulder. “We’re here for you. For all three of you.”



Icouldn’t stop pacing Worth’s living room as we waited for everyone to return. I knew Beck had been rescued, but I needed to see him and Worth. I had to know they were both okay. What if one of them was hurt but no one wanted to tell me?

“They really are okay,” Ben assured me. It was easy for him to see how worried I was.

“I get it,” Jay said, “I’m going to be anxious as hell until I see Ford.”

I’d been nervous about meeting Jay, but his arrival had provided a good distraction. I was intimidated by the idea of a high-powered Manhattan attorney. It turned out Jay wasn’t what I expected. He also wasn’t an attorney anymore. He and Ford spent at least half their time outside the city running a dog rescue.

I told him I’d love to visit someday. I could just imagine Worth telling me that we could go as soon as I wanted, but I wasn’t counting on anything, at least that’s what I told myself. In reality, I knew my heart was gone; it was completely in Worth’s hands.

“They’re here.” Jay jumped up from his seat. He’d been looking out the window, watching the street below.

“Are you sure? How can you tell from this distance?”

“Two huge black SUVs just pulled in looking like either criminals or the start of a presidential motorcade. Who else could it be?”

I couldn’t help but smile at the way he and Ben took all this insanity in stride. “How do you handle this so easily?”

Jay huffed. “Trust me. We don’t most of the time. We’ve learned to fake it.”

“I don’t know if I could ever accept it all. Their lives are fantastical and terrifying as fuck.”

“Wait until you’ve lived with Worth for a while,” Ben said.

Jay nodded. “Once you see our men every day, they stop being quite so godlike.”

“Except in bed,” Ben quipped. We all laughed at that.

A few minutes later, I heard footsteps and tensed, not sure of what seeing Beck again was going to be like, not sure what shape anyone was going to be in. Should I pretend there wasn’t anything going on between me and Worth? Why hadn’t we talked about that? I supposed I would follow his lead.

Worth entered first with Beck right behind him. Beck was limping a little bit. He was also pale and obviously a little shaky, but he was whole and alive.

“Laurence!” His face brightened when he saw me, and I ran to him, wrapping him in my arms. He gave me a tight hug, and I was thrilled to have tangible proof of his survival.

I shared a smile with Worth over Beck’s shoulder, but that was all. Worth didn’t make a move toward me. He didn’t touch me. That must mean Beck didn’t know yet, which was for the best. I knew this wasn’t the time to stress him out more, but Worth keeping his distance hurt more than it should have.

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