Page 4 of The Bet

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“Poor girl,” Gloria said as I returned to my seat after such a fruitless endeavor. “It's not her fault she's such a looker. Absolutely gorgeous.”

I didn’t respond, and that was because I knew she would see in my eyes just how much I agreed with her, and I wasn’t about to give her this reason to further tease me into favoring secretaries because of their looks.

I had noticed her from the moment she appeared outside the restaurant until she got in. That gorgeous face, pouty lips, and gray eyes were etched into my memory like nothing else, and for the first time in a very long while, the plate before me didn’t satisfy me. Though I was almost done with it, I suddenly felt famished all over again, but this time around it was absolutely not for food. Instead, it was for hard, sheet-clawing fucking, and the woman behind me was who I wanted to let off steam with.

This was incredibly amusing to me, given that I had just approached her to help her escape from that predator of a man, but here I was picturing her legs wrapped around my back and my cock in her mouth.

“It is her fault,” I said offhandedly, and Gloria gave me a look.

“I have to go meet Al,” she said quickly, brushing off her meal. “You'll be ready to give serious consideration to these candidates tomorrow, right? I'm going to leave the folder with you.”

I was silent for a little while as I polished off the glass of wine, and then I nodded.

“I’ll try to make your job even easier,” I said, and she laughed. She rose to her feet, pressed a kiss to my cheek, and went on her way. I was ready to leave as well, but I found myself lingering in the restaurant. My back was to her table, so I couldn’t exactly turn around to watch her, but I waited for her to return from the bathroom. She was no doubt going to pass by my table, and I just wanted to ensure that she was okay.

Perhaps she was reluctant to take my extended hand of help because she needed the job. I was once like her, and so I could understand her reluctance.

I sat there until eventually, she emerged from the bathroom. She was quite decently dressed, no doubt forced to over-hype perhaps more than the average New York woman because of all of these nonsense advances that she had to fend off from clients.

She was dressed in a blood-red skirt suit that fit her body in a way that I couldn’t look away from. It wasn’t her fault that she was just the way she was, curved to absolute perfection, and I didn't even think it could be hidden unless she wore a massive, oversized coat of some sort.

She avoided my eyes pointedly as she walked past, however, I caught the whiff of her scent. It smelled sweet but a bit bitter at the same time, and it etched the memory of her in my mind.

There was nothing more I could do here, and it seemed as though she could handle herself, so I rose to my feet and considered heading back to the office. However, due to the erection I was now sporting, I finally gave my attention to Charles as he opened the door for me to get into the back of the town car, I decided to call it a day.

I wanted to fuck so badly, but there was no one I wanted but that woman, of course. Given the stress of the day, I truly didn’t have the energy to deal with another human being, so I simply headed back home and hopped into the shower. I tried to make it cold to cool me down, but somehow that made my body temperature spike even further, so I simply stood under the cool water and decided to stop torturing myself.

I was still hard, so I held my cock in my hand and began to stroke. It had been forever since I had done this since I had needed this kind of cheap relief, and so it was a bit uncomfortable to be jacking off in my bathroom. It made me feel weak and silly, but I needed to get a good night's rest, so I went as hard as I could with her in mind until my breath shortened. It didn’t take long. Thirty seconds, and I was coming hard and strong. My hands were full, and as I stared down at the release, I couldn’t help but shake my head.

Turning in order to rinse off the stain, I thought of the woman once more and wondered if I would ever see her again. I regretted the fact that I hadn’t even considered trying to keep in touch with her, but ultimately, I blamed the bastards she was with because if I didn’t think of that, the last thing I wanted was to harass her even further with male attention. She was so fucking attractive, and it should have been a blessing, but I understood as well how that could bring more troubles than opportunities. Shaking my head and now immensely relieved, I got out of the shower, toweled myself dry, and headed straight to bed.

Chapter Four


"Hannah!" I heard the call from across the restaurant. "Hannah!"

I was supposed to wave and look excited; however, I just couldn’t muster up the energy. I could see the girls in a corner already having fun, laughing, tipsy, and I just felt exhausted. I wanted to go home, but it was the first time honoring this kind of gathering in months, so I had to go through with it. Plus, I'd just be sad if I went home and sulked all by myself, so maybe this was just what I needed.

As I neared them, I worked up a smile and eventually even managed to wave, and they received me warmly, scooting over in the booth to make space for me at the edge.

There were five girls, counting me, Rosalie, Madison, Sarah and Faye. All gorgeous, all working their asses off as secretaries and personal assistants all around the city. And they all apparently needed as much of a break as I did.

“The one who never quits,” I was hailed at my arrival, and I didn’t know how to feel about it. It had become something of a badge of honor I didn't mind wearing, that I could put up with any boss and more or less coax him into a passable form of warm camaraderie with me, no matter how much of a tool they originally were. But given the light of my current work situation and how I couldn’t stop thinking of how to bash my boss’s head in on my way here, I didn’t quite know how to receive the praise. Or maybe it was a mockery after all, that I was simply known for putting up with bullshit.

Being able to survive and take care of my mom as well back in Connecticut always felt like a deserving trade-off, plus there was the dream of moving to a new place.

“It's all worth it,” I nodded to myself. “It's all worth it.”

I reached for the nearest glass I could find and poured myself a huge, long drink of whatever wine this was. It was a bit too dry for my taste, but I chugged it down in no time, much to the shock and increased amusement of the girls around.

“Holy shit, no wonder you came. You really need a break.”

You have no freaking clue, the words echoed in my head but I didn't say them out loud. “Yeah,” I smiled. “Long day. Too long.”

“I understand completely,” Sarah said. “I got fired today from the same boss that fired Faye a few weeks ago. At this point, it should be a group challenge to see which among us here or even any of the other secretaries from the agency he is able to keep. It almost seems personal, like he has a beef with the agency or something, because this absolutely makes no freaking sense. It seems illegal, but you can’t even sue him because good luck fighting the top lawyer in the city.”

All we could do was laugh at her and order even more cocktails to drown our sorrow.

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