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"Says ten minutes," I say after hanging up. "That guy is always mad."

"Just his personality," Chase replies.

"Personality?" I say with a huff. "I don't know that I've ever seen the guy smile."

"Some people don't have happiness in their lives. Think the Rangers have a shot at winning another World Series this year?"

"Maybe. I honestly didn't think they'd win this past year."

We shoot the shit and talk about sports. Unlike every other person in town, Chase isn't going to grill me about Claire. He's been the topic of gossip around here for years, and even more so recently with his departure from the Detroit Ice Crusaders and his divorce from his twins' biological mother earlier in the year.

Boone shows up in the tow truck, and rather than bending down under the hood, he simply asks us to move out of the way and then proceeds to hook the car up. I hand him the keys I pulled from the ignition.

"I'll give you a call in a few days with an estimate," he says before climbing back into his truck and driving off.

"Full of fucking sunshine, that one," I mutter, making Chase laugh as we walk back to his truck.

Claire meets me in the foyer of the massive house when we step inside with her hand out.

I slap it like a low high-five and she just glares at me.

"My car keys?"

"They went with Boone."


"He towed your car. He'll have to have the keys to figure out what's wrong with it."

"I'm going to find Madison," Chase says before stepping around me and disappearing into the house.

Claire remains silent until he's gone, watching as he leaves the room before turning her angry glare back at me.

"My house key was also there, Walker." She holds her hand up when I start to speak. "I swear if you say one word about me staying with you, I'll kick you in the shin right now."

A slow smile curls up the corners of my mouth. She is so fuckable when she's angry. I can imagine her fingernails digging into my skin as I press inside of her.

I clear my throat. This is not the time nor the place for those kinds of thoughts.

I reach into my jacket pocket and pull out the keychain that has all but her car key on it, dangling it right in front of her face.

"You said you didn't have my keys."

"I said I sent your car key with Boone," I clarify. "Is dinner ready? I'm starving."

I step around her, making sure to press a sweet little kiss to her lips before walking away.

She repays me by ignoring me all during dinner and asking Chase for a ride home when the meal is over.

Madison, always a champion of love, tells her that Chase is on bath duty with the boys tonight, mentioning that I'm heading in that direction.

Claire doesn't argue, but she also doesn't hide the fact that she isn't even close to thrilled to be in the truck with me.

She stops short at the front door when it's time to leave.

"The car seat," she growls, making Larkin, who is standing right beside her, look up at me with the same scowl her mother has.

I can just imagine the two of them teaming up against me years from now, and it thrills me, the idea of battling with this stubborn woman and her equally as stubborn daughter.

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