Page 61 of Love Signals

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He lets go of my hand and walks around to the driver’s side of his vehicle. Giving me a salute, he says, “Until tomorrow, Dr. Cammareri.”

“Until tomorrow, Mr. Finch.”

I spin on my heel and make my way up the sidewalk, knowing that standing there gawking at him while he pulls away would be nothing short of humiliating. It’s what I want to do, but luckily, there’s a tiny bit of my brain that’s still sober and knows better. Just like she knew not to grab him by the front of his shirt and plant the mother of all kisses on him.

I kind of hate that bitch right now, but I’ll be thanking her later.


Email from: [email protected]

To: [email protected], [email protected]

Subject: Black Creek Trip


I’ve arranged to have you and Hudson go up to Black Creek for a day on Thursday the 23rd. This will give Glen and his staff a day to go into Redding to shop for supplies. I told him you’ll be there by 10 a.m., which means leaving before 5 to get there in time. I trust that won’t be a problem for you or for Hudson.

This will be his one chance to gain an understanding of the mechanics and engineering of the radio telescopes.

Please make sure you pack an overnight bag, as the weather can be unpredictable this time of year in the mountains.



Email from: [email protected]

To: [email protected], [email protected]

Subject: Re: Black Creek Trip

Hi Keenan,

Sounds great. I’ll arrange the transportation and meals.

Warmest regards,


Email from: [email protected]

To: [email protected], [email protected]

Subject: Re: Black Creek Trip

Hi Keenan and Allie,

Thank you for arranging this. I’ve added it to my calendar and am happy to drive. Thanks for the tip about the overnight bag.

All the best,



The Problem with Happiness…

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