Page 57 of Love Signals

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“Yeah, I’m big into MMA,” Vinnie says, scowling at him. “I could’ve gone pro, but then Matteo came along. It’s not the best life for a family.”

Hudson narrows his eyes, looking very confused. “That is quite the accomplishment.”

“It’s important to be able to defend your family,” Vinnie says. “Because family is the only thing that matters in this life.” He points to Lucia. “This woman here? My wife? I would kill for her.”

“Well, hopefully it never comes to that,” Hudson answers.

“Let’s hope not,” Vinnie says pointedly.

Can this be over please?

“More lamb, Hudson?” my mom asks, lifting the platter.

“Oh, I’m stuffed, thank you though.”

She smiles at him. “Where are your parents from?”

Perfect. We’ve now reached the part of the evening when they try to find out how Italian he is.

“Nebraska, but I grew up in New York.”

“Okay, but where are their parents from?” Grandma asks.


“And their parents?” Zia Fernanda adds.

I sigh, then interject with, “They’re trying to figure out if you have any Italian in you.”

“Oh,” he says, looking amused. “No, I’m afraid not. Irish on my mom’s side and English on my dad’s.”

Shoulders drop around the table, but Zia’s eyes light up. “But have you had one of those DNA tests done because a lot of people find out they’re not from where they thought.”

“Yeah, my brother and I bought those kits for my parents for Christmas one year, so I’m pretty sure we’re not Italian.”

The room goes silent for a minute, other than the sounds of knives and forks brushing up against the china, and I can tell Hudson’s feeling a little awkward. I take another sip of wine, then say, “You don’t have to be Italian. You’re amazing just the way you are.”

“She’s right,” Lucia says, running her fingers along her gold necklace. “Just the way you are.”

A glance at Vinnie tells me he’s about to lose it. Hudson seems to pick up on it too because he clears his throat and says, “This might be the most delicious meal I’ve ever had.”

My mom blushes. “Nah, you’re flattering us. You must have eaten at some of the world’s best restaurants.”

“I have, and believe me, none of them have anything on this dinner. The fresh pasta? The red sauce? The lamb? You could open your own restaurant. Michelin star all the way.”

Good God, that charm is lethal. I’m pretty sure at this point, there isn’t an adult in this room who wouldn’t go home with him—the men included.

“So, Hudson, do you have any special plans while you’re in the area?” Zia asks.

He pats his mouth with his napkin. “Umm, well, other than trying to learn as much as I can about what Allie does, my publicity team has set up a few things for me. They want me to go to the museum, and to be seen at the library, and they bought me tickets for the opera.”

“Why would they do that?” my mom says.

“They want to change my image. Apparently smart is the new cool,” he answers with an easy smile that I can tell is hiding how he really feels. “Not sure who’s going to buy me as a smart guy, but according to my team, we’re going to be able to pull it off.”

“I love your image,” Lucia says. “You’re a big star. Can’t you just say no?”

He shakes his head and picks up his wine glass. “The funny thing about Hollywood is that once you reach a certain level, you pretty much have to sell your soul to stay there.”

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