Page 50 of Love Signals

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“What about some of those nerds from the alien place? I bet none of them are busy.”

“That’s not nice,” I answer, feeling defensive on behalf of my new friends. “They’re actually pretty cool people. Well, except this one guy, Chad. But at least he knew what kind of spider bit me, which, now that I think about it, kind of makes him my hero.”

“So call him up. He’d probably love to hang out with you.”

“Urg, I don’t think I could handle him today. He’s a lot.”

“What about Allie?” he asks, waggling his eyebrows. “She had quite the sexy voice. I bet you could have a lot of fun with her.”

I narrow my eyes at him, feeling unreasonably irritated by his use of the word sexy to describe her. “Nah, she’s super busy with a project she’s doing. She’ll be going full-out all weekend because she lost a lot of time staying with me at the hospital.”

“So go help her.”

“I can’t help her. I don’t understand anything about what she’s doing.”

“Well, she’s gotta eat, right? Go feed her. That’ll save her some time.”

“She lives with her parents and they do this big meal every Sunday with all her relatives. In fact, she won’t even be able to work today because she has to help out in the kitchen all day to prepare for a special dinner they’re having.”

“Why do you know all of this?” he asks me.

“We got pretty close when I was in the hospital.”

A knowing grin crosses his face. “How close?”

“Not like that, you idiot. How was that supposed to happen when I was battling for my life?”

“Pfft, it was a spider bite.”

“A deadly one,” I tell him.

“Deadly for your dong, maybe.”

“My dong is just fine, thank you.”

“Ha! Made you say it.”

“Oh my God, you really are ten.”

“Hey, I like to have fun, so sue me,” Gersh says. “Speaking of fun, the waves are calling me.”


“You’re just jealous.”

“Damn right I am. Go have fun.”

“Will do. Later, dude.”


I end the call, then look around the pristine condo. No way am I going to spend the rest of the day here. It’s the loneliest place on the planet. No family, no dogs, no waves to ride. My mind wanders back to Allie, and I wonder how she’s doing. She must be busy helping out in the kitchen even though she should be hunched over her laptop. I picture her in a house dress and apron (because apparently it’s 1950 in my fantasy world). She’s got her hair pinned up and she’s wiping her forehead with the back of her arm while she stirs an enormous pot of pasta sauce. She looks gorgeous in my fantasy, by the way. Suddenly the room is cleared of everyone else and it’s just the two of us. I walk up behind her, wrap my arms around her waist and plant slow kisses on her neck and slowly lift her skirt with one hand.

And those are the thoughts that have been torturing me since we shared a cab from the hospital on Friday. I cannot for the life of me get her out of my mind. Not that I’m trying all that hard.

I stand up and walk over to the patio doors and stare out at the gardens below for a second, feeling completely restless. Here I am with a ton of energy and nothing to do, and there she is trying to juggle more than one person can handle. If only there was something I could do to make her life easier.

Huh, maybe there is…

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