Page 48 of Love Signals

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“Thanks, Allie. That’s kind of you to say, but if you spent enough time with me, you’d be disappointed.”

I lay here, shocked that he feels this way about himself and not knowing what to say. Finally, I speak up. “If you were the person I’m hanging out with right now, no one could ever be disappointed. Even though you’re not a sweets guy, which is just plain weird.”

He chuckles a little, then says, “Thank you. I hope the next man you’re with can see what he’s got because you’re really lovely. Not just on the outside either.”

Tears spring to my eyes and I blink quickly to stop them even though it’s dark. “Thanks,” I whisper. I let his words wash right through me and seep into every cell of my body. I’m lovely. Not just on the outside either.

After a minute, he says, “Can I also say I admire how hard you work.”

“Sure, I’ll allow it.”

He turns toward me, his sheets rustling a little. “No, seriously. You’re so driven. Most people would’ve dropped everything to work with me, but you just kept pawning me off on your coworkers so you could focus.”

“Well, I sort of have an ulterior motive,” I answer. “There’s a huge conference coming up in a couple of months in Zurich. It only happens once every four years, and I’ve never had a chance to present. Keenan is going to let Chad represent our team, with what is, quite honestly, a far inferior talk—well, if I can get Frank working, that is. If he’s up and running, it would be my first shot at recognition in the SETI world.”

“Chad? Blech. You have got to get Frank working in time.”

“Right?” I say, glad he gets it. “There are so few opportunities like this, and honestly, a disproportionately small number go to women in the field, so in a way, I’d feel like I was winning for all of us if I could make it happen.” I sigh, then go on. “To be honest, Keenan already told me I can’t present, but I just know everything would change if I can finish in time. It would be the biggest breakthrough in the history of SETI, so even if he couldn’t swap me out for Chad, the organizers of the conference would have to make time for me. There’s no way they could ignore it because everyone in the field is going to be itching to get their hands on this system.”

Hudson’s quiet for a minute, and I start to think he’s asleep, but then he says, “That’s why you were disappointed when I showed up.”


“I could tell. When I first met you—it was this tiny fraction of a second when you glanced at the floor. You were telling me you were hoping you could help me, but I knew you didn’t mean it,” he says. “It’s because you got saddled with me instead of being able to focus all your time on Frank.”

“You’re extremely perceptive.”

“It’s my only superpower. Reading people.”

“It’s a good one to have,” I answer, wishing I was better at it.

“Well, listen, if there is any possible way I can help you to get your project done, I’m there. Whatever you need.”

Alarm bells start going off in my head, but I shut them down. There’s no way I need to worry about accepting help from Hudson. It’s not like he could ever take credit for my work. “Thank you. If I can think of anything, I’ll let you know.”

“Okay, I’m going to hold you to that.”

That’s not the only thing I’d like him to hold me to. Oops! Scrub that thought from my brain. No way should I be going there. “We should probably get some sleep.”

“Good night, Allie.”

“Good night, Hudson.”

“Thank you for being here with me.”

I want to tell him there’s no place I’d rather be, but it would feel too cliché. Actually, that’s not true. It would feel too honest. And if there’s one thing I can’t afford to be with this man, it’s honest about how I’m feeling right now.


Guy Talk & Loneliness…


Instagram Reel: Hollywood Dish with Ferris Biltmore

The video starts up, showing an ecstatic-looking Ferris sitting behind his glass desk with a bottle of champagne. “Hello, bitches, it’s me, Ferris. As you can see, I’ve given up my in-bed vigil and I’ve gotten dressed, which can only mean one thing—my new segment: He’s Alive, Bitches!!”

The graphic appears above his head while Ferris screams, “He’s alive, bitches!!!! He pulled through. Hudson Finch is very much alive and well, which is a fucking miracle, since according to my nephew’s weirdo little gamer friend, a Brazilian wandering spider bite can take down a bull with ease. A freaking bull, people. A BULL!!! But our Hudson survived. And of course he did, because he’s superhuman. And in a way, this whole insane emergency is the perfect metaphor for his career. Because Hudson is a phoenix who will rise from the ashes and become a … phoenix again, making the best films to ever grace the big screen. He made it. We can go on.

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