Page 39 of Love Signals

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I’m just about to tell her he can stay at my house when Hudson cuts in. “Mom, they won’t release me if it’s not safe for me to be alone.”

“But if they do…”

“They won’t.”

“Allie, if you think they’re letting him go too early, you call me. All right?” she says.

“Or stay with him,” his dad adds.

“Of course,” I tell them. “I promise I won’t abandon him if he’s not one-hundred-percent fine.”

“Thank you,” his mother says. “That makes me feel much better.”

“Glad I can help,” I answer.

“Okay, we’ll let you go so you can rest up,” Douglas says.

“We’re glad you’re okay,” Dolores says. “And thank you, Allie, for taking such good care of my son.”

“It’s the least I can do after he saved my life,” I tell them.

“I’m also the reason your life was in danger to begin with,” Hudson says. “Okay, Mom and Dad, I’ll call you tomorrow.”

He hangs up and smiles at me, looking adorably embarrassed. “You don’t have to babysit me. Seriously. I’m a grown ass man.” He rubs the back of his neck and shakes his head at himself. “A grown ass man who asked you to stay because he doesn’t want to be alone.”

I chuckle, then say, “Don’t worry about it. I meant what I said to your parents. You were heroic today. Making sure you’re okay is literally the least I can do.”

The door swings open, and Tala and the doctor from the ER walk into the room. I’m not a huge fan of the ER doc, to be honest. She’s way too beautiful, calm, cool, and collected for my taste. Also, I hate it when doctors tell you to call them by their first name, as if it’s less pretentious to call her Dr. Blaire than by her last name. I prefer my doctors on the frumpy and formal side.

Dr. Blaire walks around to the opposite side of the bed from me and pats Hudson on the arm. “Hudson, how are we feeling?”

Blech. How are we feeling? Hate that.

“Pretty good,” he answers.

Her eyes flick to the sheet. “I see that’s gone.” Looking at me, she says, “Do you mind giving us a minute?”

The way she says it is as if I should’ve known to leave, and my cheeks heat up a bit as I stand. Grabbing my bag, I say, “Of course,” then hightail it out of there.

When the door closes behind me, I let out a sigh. What is happening right now? I dig around in my bag until I find my phone, only to see dozens of text messages, most of which are from my team, wanting to know how Hudson is doing.

I quickly write to Gwen:


Hudson’s awake. He’s doing much better. The doc is in with him now. Can you please pass this along to the rest of the team?

A second later, my phone pings.


I’m on it! So glad he’s doing all right!

I call home and wait three rings for my parents to pick up. When I glance at my watch, I see it’s a little after eight o’clock, which means they’re watching The Voice. My dad finally picks up. “Allegra, there you are. We’ve been worried sick.”

In the background, I hear my mom say, “Your father’s been worried. I told him you’re at the office.”

“Nothing to worry about, Pops,” I tell him. “But I’m not at the office. I’m actually at the hospital.”

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