Page 26 of Love Signals

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Hudson’s holding the door open for Josie, then the camera pans to the staff, all waiting and looking super awkward. I get a glimpse of myself and my face heats up. Oh God, I look weird. My family cheers. “There she is!!!”


“You shush. Your shushing is making it so I can’t hear.”

“You should’ve come to the shop for a hair mask.”

“Stop talking already! We’re missing it!”

“He’s so handsome, I can’t stand it!” Zia whisper-yells.

“Is he Italian?” my grandma asks.

“He must be,” Zia answers. “Look at that strong jaw.”

Meanwhile, on the screen, Hudson is working his way down the line, until he’s talking to me. My heart is in my throat, even though I know exactly what’s about to happen. I watch as we shake hands and my face turns bright pink as I say, “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Oooh!!!! You like him!” Zia says.

“I do not!”

Lucia snort laughs. “You do! It’s written all over your red face!”


Dr. Edwards is talking now. “Allie’s a radio astronomer. You’ll be shadowing her while you’re here.”

Zia gasps. “Look how happy he is to hear that!”

“He’s just being nice,” I say, not wanting to let myself believe he would actually be happy about it. Although he did hold my hand for a long time, now that I think about it. And his face is lit up.

And now I’m trying to look professional as I say, “Yes, I hope I’ll be able to help you out.”

“I’m sure you will,” he answers in that buttery voice of his.

I watch as he glances down at the box of pastries. “I brought some treats for everyone. They’re from a cute little Italian bakery near my condo.”

The rest of the family squeals with delight at being mentioned on national television, while I watch in disgust. He never even saw the bakery.

Chad snatches the box while Dr. Edwards says, “How thoughtful of you.”

“It was nothing,” Hudson says.

“What a phony,” I mutter to Lucia.

“Oh, Allie, look,” Dr. Edwards says. “These are from your parents’ bakery!”

I see the surprise on my face. “Oh wow, they must have been shocked when you came in.”

Hudson looks a little awkward as he says, “Um, well, you know.”

“Damn. They didn’t get a shot of the logo on the box,” Pop says.

And now, Josie is telling me not to come along on the tour, so I say, “Well, that’s it for me for the rest of it. I might be on for a few seconds at the end.”

“Shhh! We’re going to watch the whole thing,” Grandma says. The tour of the building starts and Keenan is explaining what it is we do, which clearly, my family has no interest in whatsoever.

“He’s so handsome!” Zia says. “Is he that handsome in real life, Allegra?”

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