Page 19 of Love Signals

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Way to make a good first impression, jackass…


When the Brain Knows Better, but the Lady Bits Aren’t Getting the Message…


Crap. I’m about to be screwed over by a man yet again, aren’t I? Yes, yes, I am. I know he’s a professional liar and all, but he just seems so down-to-earth and thoughtful. That smile? The eye contact? The way he can instantly make you feel like you’re the only woman in the world? That hot professor look he’s got going on today? I didn’t know he had glasses too. Maybe he is a secret nerd, which would be the hottest thing ever.

And which also makes him the worst man to show up in my life right now.

Nope. I am not attracted to him. I’m not. I can’t be, so I’m not. There, done. That was easy.

But he did buy pastries for the team, and of all the places he could’ve bought them, he went into my parents’ bakery. If this were a romantic movie, it would be a sign that we’re meant to be.

But we’re not. Very clearly and obviously. He’s just a thoughtful, hot celebrity that’s going to sit across from me for a few weeks, then go back to his real life and forget he ever met me. Bastard.

Not to mention the seductive scent he’s wearing. What is that? The smell of rubbing your body with thousand-dollar bills when you wake up? Whatever it is, it’s intoxicating, which means I really don’t want him in my office all day. I absolutely positively cannot smell that by the hour or I’ll wind up launching myself at him, lips first.

I need a plan. Okay, think, Allie. How do you ignore this guy while also making it seem like you’re not ignoring him? I tap my finger on my lip while I glance wildly around my office. My eyes land on the desktop fan that we have on the far counter. We normally only need it in the summertime, but today it’s going to help me keep the smell away. I hurry over and take the fan off the counter, then set it up on Gwen’s desk (which I suppose I’ll have to start calling Hudson’s desk) so that it’s facing the door. I turn it on so it sucks the air toward the hall, then stand back and admire my results. Yes, that ought to do it. The intoxicating scent will no longer be a problem.

Now, all I have to do is set him up learning independently and I should be able to get some work done. I sit down and make a list:

Independent Learning Activities:

Frank Drake video

Dr. Napper tribute video

SETI Guys podcast (all 87 episodes)

Read entire Astronomy 101 textbook

Read entire Astronomy 102 textbook

Set up a day with each team member to give him a broad picture of what the team does

Have him take all the tours so he can learn how to lead them himself

That ought to take him a good two weeks, minimum. Smiling to myself, I start to feel a lot more relaxed. This will work. I can totally do this. Now, get to Frank before he’s here interrupting your flow. I flip on my computer. While it boots up, I send a quick text to my sister.


Were you at the shop when Hudson Finch came in this morning?


The actor?


Yes. The one who’s coming to shadow me at work, remember?


Of course I remember. He didn’t come in.


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