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“Gwen, this has been… I just want you to know…” He pauses, and my heart picks up its pace, while my lady bits start to wake up, hoping for something really wonderful to happen. “I want to say thank you. For being here for me. This whole thing would’ve been so much harder if I had to go through it alone.”

Oh. Gratitude. Awesome. “You’re welcome.”

He lets go of my hand, leaving it suddenly cold, and we both take off our seat belts and gather our things.

When we’re standing on the tarmac, he turns to me. “Okay, well, I’m heading this way,” he says, pointing to a hanger nearby.

“I have to go into the main terminal. Find my backpack.”

“Good luck with that.”

“Thanks,” I say, turning to leave. Then I quickly turn back. “Oh, Ty, I need to get your number so I can send you the money I owe you.”

Shaking his head, he says, “You don’t owe me anything.”

“I do. It’s important to me to pay you back,” I tell him, opening my contact app on my cell phone. I hand it to him. “Don’t worry. I won’t booty call you in the middle of the night or anything.”

“No?” he asks, raising one eyebrow. “That’s a shame.”

He puts his number into my phone, then hands it back, our fingers brushing. “You take care, Gwen.”

“You too, Ty. Thanks for everything.” I lift myself onto my tippy toes and give him a soft kiss on the cheek.

“You sure you don’t want to come with me?” he asks. “It’s a really nice jet.”

Laughing, I shake my head, hating like hell that I’m passing up the opportunity. “I really, really want to say yes, which is exactly why I shouldn’t.”

Ty looks down at me one last time, then gives me a gentle kiss on the forehead. “It’s been a pleasure getting to know you, Ms. Fox. I hope you make some alien friends someday.”


A Fast Freight Train to Nowhere…



Good news on the yacht. Made the deal this morning. You’re out $432,000,000, but Muffy is thrilled. So thrilled, she’s considering not entertaining that other offer.


I hope you’re all right down there in Peru. Yacht delivered to Tampa, where Muffy and her friends will board for their “50th b-day repeat.” In a stroke of creative genius, I’ve arranged a surprise performance by The Thunder from Down Under. If you’re not familiar with them, they’re male strippers from Australia. Fingers crossed the show will be a hit.


Ty, darling, I am aboard the world’s most beautiful boat and according to my friends, I look gorgeous. We’re taking it on a ride around the Bahamas for a few days, but I wanted to send some bikini pics of the gang as a thank you. Enjoy!


Muffy has called twice to see if you got the bikini pics?! I’ve explained that you’re deep in the jungle somewhere but that I’m sure you’ll be very pleased when you get cell reception. I apologize in advance for what you will see when you get out of there.


Ty, darling, thanks ever so much for sending the Thunder. I think I’m falling for a young gentleman from Perth named Diesel who has a thing for older women. I thought I’d give you a heads up in case you’re thinking things between us might turn into more than a business deal and some sexual banter.


Okay, boss, when you look in your inbox, try not to blow a fuse. Yes, there are 1576 emails to answer, 1000 of them marked urgent, but I have every faith you can blow through at least 500 on the flight home. (I’m holding the rest for now, so as not to overwhelm you, but thought you should know there are more coming.)

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