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I freeze, my jaw dropping. “You know?”

He shrugs and pulls me closer, planting kisses just under my breasts. “Yeah, I know. I’ve known the whole time. You also used to dedicate ‘You’re So Vain’ to me on karaoke night. You hated my guts.”

I stand perfectly still as he runs his big, warm hands up and down my sides and kisses me some more. “You knew? How did you know?”

“I had our security team look into everyone who was coming on the trip.”

Shock vibrates through me. He knew. And yet…? “Wait. Why did you … why weren’t you…?”

He looks up at me. “Why wasn’t I an asshole to you?”

“Yeah,” I say, cupping his face in both hands. “How could you be so wonderful to someone who has said and done such awful things about you?”

“I didn’t take it personally,” he says. “It’s not like you knew me. If you had known me and still hated me, that would be totally different. But in this case, it was sort of flattering in a weird way. Like I was some sort of super villain in your story.”

He’s kissing my abdomen again and dammit if it doesn’t feel so good, I’m completely forgetting what we were talking about… Oh right, my big confession. I drop to my knees in front of him, needing to look him in the eye. “It’s true. I didn’t know you at all. Only what I saw in interviews. But I’m so sorry about what I did. It was awful, especially because you’re the most amazing man I’ve ever met. Even the fact that you could forgive me so easily shows how wonderful you are. You’re so mature to not take any of that personally.”

Smiling at me, he says, “It doesn’t hurt that you’re so hot.”

I kiss him hard on the mouth. “You’re the best. I want to run home right now and tear up all those photos I drew on and tell my work family the truth, that I love you and that I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you even though it’ll mean they’ll hate me forever, and then I want to hurry down to the bar and dedicate some gorgeous love song to you. I’m not sure which one yet—probably something by Celine Dion…” I kiss him again, my heart swelling with emotion. “I can’t believe you forgave me. I’m so relieved.”

“Of course I forgave you. I’m in love with you. You could never do anything that I wouldn’t forgive.”

“Really? Do you mean it?”


“Same with you. Except, you know, cheating on me or leaving me for another woman.”

“I’d never do that.”

“I’d never do that either. Cause I am your lady. And you are my man.”

“Wait. Is that a Celine Dion song?”

“I think it’s from a cover she did.”

“About the power of love?” he asks.

“Yup. That’s the one.”

“That’s our song, babe,” Ty says. “That’s our song. ‘The Power of Love.’”

“It’s perfect. Let’s dance to it at our wedding tomorrow.”

“Yes, let’s do that.”

“Thank God we took that drug because I am never going to regret this.”

“Me either.”

You know when you do something so embarrassing, you’d rather die than face the people you did it around? Yeah, that’s me right now. Whatever the hell we took last night doesn’t affect your memory in the slightest, which, if you ask me, is a total crime. It strips you of any and every inhibition you have, only to cause you to make a total ass of yourself and suffer the pain of remembering every humiliating second of it the next morning.

Although, I’m also able to remember every delicious moment of what happened when we got back to Ty’s room, so at least there’s that. The sex was beyond incredible. It was like every single cell in my body climaxed for hours, which I know isn’t possible, but trust me, it happened.

Only now, I’m lying in Ty’s bed, watching him sleep while I freak the fuck out. He couldn’t have meant what he said and neither did I. I mean, there’s no man on earth I’d want to poop in front of, thank you very much. Not even him. Especially not him. No way. And we absolutely can’t get married today. We’ve never even met each other’s people or seen where the other one lives. What if he’s a total slob? What if he’s got some sort of weird sex room at his house and would expect me to join him in there every night? Or worse, what if he chews ice cubes?

The truth is, we don’t even know each other. I mean, it feels like we know each other, but we really don’t. I definitely don’t want him to ‘put as many babies in me as possible all at once.’ Yuck. That sounds awful. No way he wants that either. All of that adds up to the fact that we were drugged into saying a bunch of shit we didn’t mean.

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