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“That would be one way to get his attention,” she says.

“The last thing I’d ever want is his attention,” I answer.

“Are you sure about that?” Gwen asks gently. Before I can respond, she adds, “It would be perfectly natural if part of you wanted him to see you—to know you exist and that he hurt you deeply. That’s how it is with parents and children; no matter how much we wish we could stop caring, we can’t.”

Setting my jaw, I say, “Believe me, I stopped caring about that man a long time ago. Anyway, as you can see, I have my petty side too.”

“It’s not the same thing as spending every day of your life in pursuit of the ability to say I was right and you were wrong.”

“Sure it is.”

“Not even close,” Gwen says, tracing my jaw with her fingertip. “For one thing, you’re just fantasizing it, whereas I’m actively pursuing my childhood fantasy.”

Oh, the guilt. I should tell her the truth, but there’s no way I can. Not without jeopardizing the entire thing.

“And for another thing, what you’re talking about would be a way to get justice for your mother and your brother. It’s very noble of you to want to do that.”

Shaking my head, I say, “That’s the last word anyone should use to describe me.”

She stares at me, her gaze intent. “No, it fits. The way you look after your brother and protect him from the world. How you kept your company going while Dr. Napper was off pursuing his dreams. You’re noble, Ty Sterling. I’m sorry, but it’s true.”

She kisses me on the lips, letting her mouth linger long enough to cause whatever counterargument I had brewing to disappear completely. “You’re a good man and that’s got nothing to do with your bank account.”

“Thank you,” I say, kissing her gently on the lips. “And you’re a good woman. I hope someday you can stop letting your family make you feel less than. You’re amazing. Screw them if they can’t see it.”

She scoffs. “I’m not amazing.”

“You really are,” I say, rubbing my thumb across her cheek. “And if I could wish one thing for you, it would be that you’d stop believing them. You’ve got this beautiful combination of intelligence and passion for what you do. I admire that about you, Gwen. And I don’t admire anyone.”

She raises one eyebrow. “Really? No one?”

Glancing up at the canvas above, I say, “I suppose that’s not true, but I can honestly say that other than you, I can count the people I admire on three fingers. Hmm, make that four.”

“Four? That’s a tiny group.”

“It’s very exclusive.”

“Who made the cut?”

“My brother, my mom, Richard, and … Ryan Reynolds.”

“The Deadpool guy?”

“That’s the one,” I tell her, acting proud even though I’m feeling slightly sheepish. “He’s a hell of a businessman—smart, ambitious, makes all the right moves. Somehow, he’s managed to turn his self-deprecating humor and his emotional intelligence into an empire.”

“Huh, I guess I never thought of him that way.”

“Well, it’s true. So you’re in very good company.”

“Thank you, Ty.” She shakes her head a little and smiles at me, narrowing her eyes.


“I just can’t believe any of this is happening. If someone had told me a week ago that I’d be here with you doing what we’re doing, I’d have told them they had the wrong girl.”

“And yet, here we are,” I say, capturing her mouth for a passionate kiss. The truth is, she’s most definitely the right girl.

Which means I really must be out of my ever-loving mind…

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