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“What? Are you the only one who speaks Klingon or something?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Obviously not. I’m the only one who had the necessary qualifications.”

He looks impressed for a second, but then I realize he’s just pretending. “So you’re the brains behind the whole operation then?”

“No, everyone on the team is … the brains behind the operation. We’re all one big brain and together we have all the skills and knowledge needed. Honestly, the whole thing would fall apart if you got rid of any of us,” I say, laying the groundwork in case he does give us funding but then decides to turn around and downsize us. Well, he could let Chad go. That would be fine. I’m about to say as much when the helicopter suddenly seems to be lifted up out of nowhere, pushing me into my seat with a terrifying force.

Without thinking, I reach for Mr. Sterling’s hand and he does the same to mine. We grip each other as the nose of the aircraft pitches up violently and the engine stalls. Closing my eyes, I feel panic take over me as it feels like we’re about to drop out of the sky. Without a parachute in sight. Thank God I went pee back at the airport…


Flirty Banter, Adrenaline Rushes, and Soft, Warm Hands…


“Shhhiiitttttt!” I tighten my grip on her hand and place my left one over top. I can’t die this way. Not holding the hand of a smelly woman who hates me so much she defaces my photo every week. My heart pounds out of my chest, adrenaline surges through my veins, and I sit, helplessly awaiting our fate. Instruments beep loudly. The pilot starts muttering in Spanish, and I have no idea if he’s praying or swearing.

After a few more terrifying seconds, he manages to right the helicopter, the engine kicks back in, and we continue flying as though nothing just happened. The pilot glances back at us with an easy smile. “Sorry about that, folks. We’re fine now.”

“What the fuck was that?” I demand.

“An updraft. It happens sometimes over the mountains,” he says with a shrug.

“Well, it better not fucking happen again,” I tell him, even though if it does, really, what am I going to do about it?

“Thank you for getting us out of that,” Ms. Fox says, giving me a dirty look.

I roll my eyes, then look down at our hands, only now realizing I still have a death grip on her. She glances down too, then at the same time, we both let go, her looking like she was just holding a fresh turd.

Clearing my throat, I say, “Well, that was … something.”

“Yes, it really was. I didn’t know that could happen.”

“Neither did I or I never would’ve gotten on this stupid thing to begin with,” I say, my heart still pounding.

“If you thought you were scared of helicopters before,” she says, “I’m sure that didn’t help.”

“I’m not scared. I just don’t like them.”

“Right, yeah,” she says. “On account of them feeling like deathtraps. But you’re not scared.”

“Exactly,” I tell her, letting a tiny grin escape.

I look outside for a second, only to see the mountain we almost crashed into, then decide I’m better off looking at her. There’s something about her that’s very distracting, and if I need anything right now, it’s a good distraction. Otherwise, I’m going to wind up curled up on the floor in a ball, not being scared. I stare at her for a second, taking in how incredibly green her eyes are. They’re bright and shiny against her pale skin. Her white blouse is a bit rumpled and I can see the top of a lacy soft pink bra. Well, that’s certainly distracting. Hello, Ms. Fox.

No, not hello, Ms. Fox. She is the enemy. Not only that, she was sent here to part you from a cool hundred mil that you need.

I stare at the back of the pilot’s head for a second to avoid getting drawn in by … whatever those thoughts were. But looking at him only reminds me of the fact that we’re flying a thousand feet above a very hard mountain in a giant fishbowl that almost crashed a few minutes ago.

My eyes are begging me to look to my right and down a little for a sight of her … shirt again. No way, eyes. We’re not getting suckered in here. No way, no how. No matter how soft her skin is.

I allow them to focus on her face again. Better. Very calming for a woman who can’t stand me.

She offers me a reassuring smile. “We’re going to be fine.”

“You sure?” I ask, allowing myself to exhale fully.

“I am.” The way she says it makes me almost believe her. She’s so confident about it.

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