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He didn’t!

Not in those exact words, but that’s what he meant. Also (and probably most importantly), he told everyone he isn’t going to fund any more projects so if that was the only reason we were here, to just leave now. He claims he has a business deal that’s been twenty years in the making and the money’s gone.


Shit. Seriously?

I’m not buying it though. Twenty years ago he’d have still been in college. He just wanted to get rid of people.


Why would he want to do that?

Because he hates people. Speaking of getting rid of people, I figured out how to weed out some competition. I told everyone there was a dengue fever outbreak and all the people who were faking their vaccinations fled like rats on a sinking ship.


Score one for SETI!

I’m honestly not sure it’ll help. I don’t think it’s possible to get through to this guy.


If anyone can get through to him, it’s you. Now, plaster a smile on your face and be charming.

I’d have a better shot at charming a rabid dog into giving me his last bone.


You got this, Gwen. I believe in you.

Thanks. But just in case I don’t, he also said that Dr. Napper’s nephew, Skip Napper, is supposed to inherit his fortune. Apparently, Skip is in Vegas. I think the team should send someone there to find him. Pretty sure the other teams are sending people and we don’t want to miss out.


Seriously? He’s not on the trip?

Nope. He clearly loved his uncle a great deal.


Wow. Okay. Is there anything else we can do from here?


Sliding my phone back in my bag, I stare out the window as we fly over the expansive city. The coastline runs all along to my right. It’s actually quite breathtaking now that I’ve bothered to look up. But I’m not here for sightseeing. I’m here to get a job done. One that may be impossible, but I have to try anyway. I sit, desperately trying to think of something to say. Am I sweating again? Oh wait, I don’t know if I ever stopped. Honestly, I have never felt this awkward in my entire life. I’m going to be alone, sitting next to Ty Sterling, for the next … well, I have no idea how long. Even another five minutes seems like an excruciatingly long time with a man like him.

Okay, say something, Gwen. Anything. Be witty. Smart. Enchanting.

Finally, I turn to him and say, “I’m Gwen.”

He either can’t hear me or he’s ignoring me. My heart pounds in my chest as I reach up and tap him on the shoulder. He turns, and I can see he looks slightly pale. “Yes?”

“I was … just going to introduce myself. I’m Gwen.”

He nods impatiently. “Yes, I know. Gwendolyn Fox. Researcher on the SETI team.”

“That’s right. And you’re Ty Sterling. CEO of Napper-Sterling and vice-president of the Napper-Sterling Foundation.”

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