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Gross. What the hell is she even talking about? And why does the rest of the group seem so interested? And what is that in her hair?

One of the women says, “And it’s that common?”

“So common. In fact, the travel advisory board recently issued a warning about an outbreak in the Amazon. Just takes one little mosquito bite,” she tells her. “But we’ll all be fine because we’ve had our vaccines.” She shakes her head, then says, “If a person hasn’t though … wow.”

Oh. My. God. She’s trying to talk people into leaving. And based on the terrified faces of a few of our fellow travelers, I think she’s going to manage it. She really is evil.

An evil genius who is unknowingly doing me a massive favor.

The woman who asked if it’s that common blurts out, “I haven’t had mine and neither have they!” She points to two other women standing beside her.

One of them gasps. “You snitch!”

“I’m just trying to save your life!”

Thiago, who looks thoroughly annoyed, steps forward. “Who all hasn’t had the required vaccinations?”

More than half of the people put up their hands, prompting him to swear in Spanish. “Get back on the shuttle bus. You’re going home. The rest of you board the helicopters. We need to leave now.”

I clear my throat. “I’d like to say something before we leave … in honor of Richard.” I pause for a second, trying to think of how to word this. I’ll need to be delicate, to say the least, but Richard would understand—he knows what it’s like to have vultures circling. Or I suppose, I should say, he knew. “I’m sure most of you are here because you want to honor Dr. Napper. He was a great man, a philanthropist, and an adventurer. However, I also know you’re all very busy people, and the last thing you thought you’d be doing today was embarking on a five-day send off in a foreign country. If you are here because you are worried about funding for whatever program you’re part of, you need to know the truth right now. I am not going to fund you anymore. As you all know, Richard was planning to take over the foundation entirely, but the final paperwork and the actual transfers didn’t happen. My own money is about to be tied up in a business venture that has been twenty years in the making. The ball is in motion and I couldn’t stop it now, even if I wanted to,” I say, glancing at Ms. Fox. “I don’t want to, but even if I did, I couldn’t. It’s over. So, if you were sent here to try to convince me, you might as well get back on the bus and go home. No one will think less of you. In fact, it would be the smart thing to do because the man who is set to inherit Richard’s fortune is his nephew, Skip Napper. Your time would be better spent going to find him so you can talk him into giving you the funding you need. Apparently, he’s in Las Vegas at the moment.”

“Seriously?” one of the women asks.

“Seriously. I need to be clear—the money is not coming from me. So there is no need to try to suck up, cajole, entice, or otherwise talk me into it. I promise.”

“No chance at all? Really?” someone in the back asks.

“It’s a zero percent chance. Zero,” I answer. “We’re talking a ‘when hell freezes over’ scenario.” Okay, this next bit is going to sound cocky, but I’m only saying it because I really do need to get back to the U.S. “I should also note that I am in a very serious relationship as well, so … in case you are here husband-hunting, that also is not going to happen.”

I glance at Savannah Stevens, whose face turns bright red. And … now we know why she came.

“This sucks,” one of the women says, poking her head up so she can make eye contact with me. “I came all this way for nothing!”

“If you’re only here for the money, I’m afraid so,” I answer.

“Of course I’m only here for the money. I didn’t know Dick. I’ve never even met the man!”

“How can you just shut us down like this?” Niles Thompson asks.

“I’m not shutting you down. It’s just a matter of unfortunate timing,” I tell him.

“But come on, you’re a billionaire. You must have the money.”

“As I said, it’s been spoken for. So, if you’d rather not put yourself through this grueling and potentially dangerous trip, please get back on the bus. If you’re staying, please … don’t waste the next week trying to get blood from a stone.”

Murmurs ripple through the crowd. Thiago looks panicked and furious at the same time. “Every trip I do, there is one problem. I thought it was the straggler,” he says, pointing at Ms. Fox. “But now, I think it’s you. You are the problem!”

“Yeah, he’s the problem. He’s a greedy fucker,” someone hiding at the back mutters.

And that’s what it’s like to be a billionaire…

Six people. That’s how many of the thirty are still remaining. Six bloody people including Rohan and me, which means I was so close to putting an end to this insanity. Our group has whittled down to Savannah Stevens, Gwendolyn Fox, Niles Thompson, former Miss Canada Karen Taylor, Rohan, and me, of course.

So, inexplicably, the trip is still on. Seriously, why would any of these people have stayed? Other than Rohan and me, none of them knew Richard personally. And I couldn’t have been more clear about my intentions.

Thiago is beyond furious. Rohan looks dumbfounded. But I can’t think of that right now. I did what had to be done, even if I failed. Besides, I was just being honest, which under the circumstances is the right thing to do. No sense in giving these people false hope, especially when they should be either out looking for jobs or finding some other sucker to fund them.

Rohan walks up to me, then turns and takes a few steps away, then comes back. “You know…” He shakes his head, then says, “Forget it.”

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