Page 107 of The Space Between Us

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“The truth is, you get to decide how simple it is. You have all the power now and he has none.”

The limo stops in front of the stadium, and a moment later, the driver opens the door. I get out and step onto the busy sidewalk. A group of college-aged guys walks by shouting about how the Destroyers are going to destroy.

“I can hear that you’re already there, so I’ll let you go,” Gwen says. “Whatever you decide tonight, just know that you’re a really good person with a big heart. And maybe, if he had stayed, you wouldn’t have turned out that way.”

I stand in the cold night air, listening to her, knowing deep in my bones that she’s right about all of it. Knowing she could’ve screwed me over so badly, but she didn’t. Knowing she’s the person I can trust. Knowing that I don’t want this anymore. All I want now is her.

But it’s too late to do anything about it now.

Only maybe it’s not…

I walk into the stadium, but instead of taking the elevator to the owner’s box where Muffy and her man are waiting, I take the steps to the top of the stadium, unbuttoning my wool overcoat despite the cold. It’s still ten minutes until kickoff, but I know he’ll be here already. My feet slow and my heart pounds as I walk up the last few rows until I reach section 445, row 27, seat 2.

And there he is. Patrick Sterling. After over a quarter of a century, I still know his face, even though it’s lined with wrinkles now and his dark hair has gone grey. He looks old, small, weak, and broke in a Destroyer’s jersey that has a rip on the collar. He’s not the larger-than-life man who I used to look up to when I was too young to know any better. For the first time, I see him for what he is—a weak human being. Someone lacking character and destined to disappoint.

He looks up at me, and for a second, I’m tempted to turn and walk away. But I don’t. I have to do this, even if it makes me want to vomit. “Hell of a night for a game, isn’t it?” I ask.

He grins at me. “You said it, buddy. There’s nothing better than Monday night football.”

“Nothing at all?” I ask, raising one eyebrow. “Not, say, the love of a good woman or maybe your family?”

He narrows his eyes at me. “Do I know you?”

“No, you don’t.”

“You sure, because you look very familiar.”

“That’s because I’m your son.”


Family Hurdles and Christmas Miracles...

Gwen - One Week Later

“I don’t understand. The money has run out. You can’t stay if there’s no money,” my mother says.

“Yes, but we’re smart people. We’re going to find a way to get the money,” I answer, wishing I’d just lied to her and told her it was all sorted out already. I tug on the itchy collar of my ugly Christmas sweater, noticing one of the tiny lights on the tree is out.

“I don’t think you are.”

“Well, you would be wrong, Mom,” I say, making a growly face. I glance up, only to see Keenan dressed in a T-shirt that looks like an elf uniform. He’s standing outside my open door looking at me with a curious expression on his face. My skin heats up and I offer him an ‘I’m okay’ wave.

He smiles and gives me a thumbs up, which is exactly what I need because my mom is saying, “Gwendolyn, you sound just like you did when you thought you saw a UFO. Do you need more attention from Dad and me? Is that what this is? Or … did you hit your head again? Because I don’t understand how you can honestly think it’s not over.”

I glance over at my Grinch tree, my heart tugging at how disappointed Allie is in me. She actually went out and bought a new ugly Christmas sweater instead of wearing our matching ones again for our annual ‘last day of work before Christmas holidays work family Christmas party.’ Not that I blame her. “I’m counting on a Christmas miracle.”

“What?! That’s it. I’m booking a flight to come see you.”

“Relax. I was being sarcastic, Mom,” I say, noticing that Allie is standing next to Keenan in the hall, both of them watching me intently. “Look, I can’t explain it, but somehow I just know. We’ve been so fixated on having all the money upfront, but I realized we don’t need it all now. We really only need enough to get us through the next few months. Then the next few after that. With social media, I think we could probably manage to get a lot of public support, and once that happens, someone will step in so they can look like a hero.”

“That’s not a plan, Gwendolyn. That’s a pipe dream.”

“Well, it may be, but I have to try. And given the fact that I have a fairly symmetrical face, it’s worth a shot.” I shrug at Allie, who gives me a nod that says ‘that totally makes sense.’

“A symmetrical face? Oh my God, you finally lost it. Your father didn’t think it would happen, but here we are,” she says. “I’ll be there by tomorrow at the latest to sort you out. First thing we need to do is get you out of that house deal. You certainly can’t pay your mortgage with a promissory note that says, ‘Somehow I just know.’”

My fists ball up and I feel my blood pumping through my veins. “You know what, Mom? There is nothing wrong with me, and I’m not stupid. I’m actually extremely bright, and I don’t need you to come here to ‘sort me out’ because I’m fine. I already had my realtor find a way to back out of the deal. I’m working on a plan to keep the project going, and I’m going to find a way.”

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