Page 201 of Dirty Lawyer

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Reese arches a brow. “Book deal?”

“College fund.”

He laughs, and a few minutes later, with Savage still by my side, through at least today, I enter the courtroom. Not much later, there’s a press conference with Reese and Milton, and Dana as the special guest. It’s hours before the crowd thins and Dana is so ready to be away from it all that we discover that she’s already packed and Savage is dropping her off at the airport. “Savage talked to Reginald for me,” she says as we walk her to the side exit with Savage moving on ahead to clear the exterior of the building. “He seems to understand why I can’t talk to him.”

We stop at the doors to wait on Savage and Dana hugs me and Reese. There are lots of happy words. Finally, Savage waves her onward to join him outside. We’ve just sealed her inside the SUV when she rolls down the window. “Maybe I’ll take Savage to Paris.”

We both laugh and the SUV pulls away. “You think Savage will go?” I ask.

“Not Savage. He’s not about money.”

“She’s a pretty woman.”

“She’s not a Savage woman. You are, but we took care of that with the lipstick.” He wraps his arm around me and another SUV pulls up in front of us. Reese grabs the back door and once we’re inside, we find Royce is our driver.

“They just cleared Reginald,” he announces as he set us into gear.

“Dana is on her way to the airport,” I say. “She might want to wait on Reginald.”

“Savage told her right as they pulled away,” Royce says. “And the evidence against Martha is damning. This is over for Dana. It’s over for you two.”

“And yet so much more has just begun,” Reese says. “I know. You can stop playing dumb.”

Royce glances at me in the mirror. “We’re not telling anyone but Lori and Cole right now and not until after my appointment on Monday.”

“Understood,” Royce says.

A few minutes later we exit at our apartment and Royce meets us at the door. “Congratulations you two. If you need survival tips. Well, I have survived. You will, too. That’s about the best I got other than calling my wife.”

Reese and I enter our building with smiles on our faces. “Do you think it’s that rough?”

“Of course not,” Reese says. “People always try to scare expectant parents.”

“Expectant parents,” I repeat. “Okay, I’m scared.”

He leads me into the elevator, folding me against him even as he punches the elevator button. “Don’t stress. I’ll find a way to keep your mind off your fears once we’re alone.”

“That’s a big order.”

“I’ll practice until I get it right,” he promises.

Monday arrives and Reese and I attend my doctor’s appointment together. By the time we leave, we do so feeling more like official parents-to-be than ever. We are also weeks from knowing the sex of the baby and we decide when we are that far along, then we’ll announce. For now, we’re going to Lori and Cole which is exactly what we do. I join Reese at the office, and we call them to the conference room. Once they shut the door, I just can’t wait to get it out. “We have an announcement,” I say, grinning. “We’re pregnant.”

“Oh my God,” Lori says, her eyes going wide. “I knew it. I had a gut feeling.” She hugs me as Cole does the same to Reese, because apparently, the baby thing takes away the macho in them, at least a little.

Telling them feels good. It makes the baby feel real and instead of staying at work, Reese and I take a trip to a baby store and start planning for the nursery. It becomes immediately obvious that Reese wants nothing less than everything for this child and it’s really adorably sexy. When I get home, and he’s forced to return business calls, I write all about his sexy, adorable shopping in the journal I still plan to give him for his birthday.

One week before Reese’s party I have to tell him about that, too. He’s too attentive right now and without a case that has his interest, for me to pull off the surprise. Instead, I let him help me pick the food and plan, but I pick the cake. It’s a surprise. It’s his mother’s recipe that I’ve had the local bakery recreate with her permission.

What’s interesting is that my brothers are both attentive as well, though Reid’s version of attentive is cranky and quick, but there’s something different about him I can’t quite understand. I’m a little weird with Gabe, I decide after several calls over several days. I just can’t get over him being so willing to let Wilson be hurt, even if it was to protect me.

Finally, the night of the party arrives and I’m dressed in jeans and a blouse, ready to receive our guests, only to be surprised when Gabe shows up early to help me setup. Together we force Reese to go downstairs to have a drink in the bar while we ready the house for about thirty friends which means Gabe moves furniture while I watch. “Reid’s coming,” Gabe announces after the catering company arrives and we retreat to the kitchen island with coffee in hand. “And bringing a woman.”

I blanch. “Reid? A woman?” I’m stunned.

“She came in like a hurricane, and I do believe he’s recovering from the storm.”

“Now I know why he seems different.” I narrow my eyes at him. “Is she nice? Pretty? Successful?”

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